Principal Gives Impassioned Address at Rabbi Rosenfeld’s Levaya

The entire student body and faculty of Oholei Torah, along with many hundreds of alumni, joined the levaya of Rabbi Yossel Rosenfeld, the school’s longtime executive director, as it passed the school building and then 770. Rabbi Hershel Lustig gave an impassioned address. 

The entire student body and faculty of Oholei Torah, along with many hundreds of alumni, joined the levaya of Rabbi Yossel Rosenfeld, the school’s longtime executive director, as it passed the school building and then 770.

While the levaya was at Oholei Torah, menahel Rabbi Hershel Lustig gave an impassioned address, describing the dedication the niftar had for the school and yeshiva, and asking him to intercede on high for the yeshivos to have success as the battle against forces that wish to destroy them.

Rabbi Rosenfeld is survived by his children Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rosenfeld – Montreal, Canada; Mrs. Rivkah Grossbaum – Stony Brook, Long Island; Rabbi Yitzchok Rosenfeld – Toronto, Canada; Mrs. Shterny Fogelman – Los Angeles, California; Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld – Melbourne, Australia; Rabbi Sholom Rosenfeld – Crown Heights; Mrs Chana Konikov – Roslyn, Long Island; Mrs. Nechama Dina Katz – Crown Heights, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Shiva will be held at 616 Empire Blvd.
Shachris 7:30, 8:00 , 8:45
Mincha 6:40
Maariv 7:30
Friday mincha at 1:30


VIDEO: Rabbi Lustig’s Address

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