War Day 167: 3 Top Hamas Members Killed, P.A. Forms New Government

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Seventy Six: The IDF says that a few more senior Hamas terrorists were eliminated in Shifa hospital, the IDF began an intensive search operation in Yericho for the terrorist who fired at a school bus in the Jordan Valley on Friday, and the Palestinian Authority (PA) announced the official formation of a new government, formed by new Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa.


New Haven Celebrates Completion of Rambam

In honor of the conclusion of the 43rd cycle of Rambam, members of New Haven Mesivta, Zal, and Anash gathered on Thursday together for a grand Siyum HaRambam, with guest speaker Rabbi Yisroel Deren Head Shliach to New England.


Taking Out the Garbage Isn’t About You

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: If my marriage is about me, my status, pride or sense of fulfillment, I’d surely choose to do only the more sophisticated and pleasurable jobs. But marriage shouldn’t be about me. It should be about something greater than me.


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L’Chaim: Wolf – Lipskar

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Nochi Wolf of Melbourne, Australia, and Chayale Lipskar of Bal Harbor, Florida, was celebrated at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.


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Grand Siyum Harambam Celebrated in Iowa

Photos: Schneur Man

Mesivta of Postville, Iowa concluded the cycle of Rambam with a Siyum Harabam and inspiring talks encouraging the continuation of learning from strength to strength.


War Day 174: Hamas Attack From Shifa E.R., Israeli School Bus Shot

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Seventy Four: Terrorists burst out of the emergency room at Shifa hospital while spraying bullets towards IDF troops, a Palestinian terrorist stood in the middle of the road in the Jordan Valley area and opened fire on an Israeli school bus full of children, and troops eliminated senior Hamas commander Raad Thabet as he attempted to flee Shifa hospital with two other terrorists.


Give to Chinuch that Sees Each Child for Who They Are

As the final hours of Darchai Menachem’s fundraising campaign, “Elements: See Each Child,” draws near, the urgency is palpable. With only halfway to the school’s goal, every dollar contributed now can make a profound difference.


Students Part from Morristown Rosh Yeshiva

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

A large crowd of students and admirers came out for the levaya of longtime Morristown Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Schneur Zalman Wilschanski AH, as it passed 770 on the way to Montefiore Cemetery.


Picture of the Day

In a historic moment, Kentucky State Representative Daniel Grossberg became the first-ever Kentucky State Representative to wrap Tefillin and say Shema on the Kentucky House Floor with shliach Rabbi Shlomo Litvin.


My Walking Partner

Rabbi Sheldon Rudoff, an attorney who held leadership positions in the OU, UJA-Federation, and Yeshiva University, tells of his walks with the Rebbe in the early years.


L’Chaim: Newman – Wolowik

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Moishie Newman of Alexandria, VA, and Chaya Wolowik of Los Angeles, CA, was celebrated on Tuesday night at Ulam Chana.

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