
Baby Girl
כ״ב אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 24, 2024

‘Tishrei Explorers’ Premiers Thrilling Experience for Kids

With the month of Tishrei fast-approaching, JEM is excited to present a sneak preview of an all-new video series for children. Building on the success of last year’s “Tishrei Up Close” series, the new “Tishrei Explorers” series is set to premiere this coming Monday.


A Visit to the World’s First Chassidic Art Gallery

Step inside the Chassidic Art Institute on any given day, and you’ll find Zev Markowitz sitting at his desk, surrounded by canvases of all sizes and styles, almost certainly reciting Tehillim. In fact, he has been reciting Tehillim in its entirety twice every day since Chof Zayin Adar 5752.


Twin Boys
כ״א אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 24, 2024

War Day 354: Hezbollah at Crossroads of Larger War, Mass Evacuations from Lebanon

War Summary, Day 353-354: Gaza war preparing for new stage, Hezbollah escalates weight and distance of rocket fire, homes hit in Israel with no serious casualties, school out for half a million children, IDF continues to take out Hezbollah’s senior command, Hezbollah at crossroads of declaring larger war, mass evacuations in Lebanon with many heading to Syria, and Iran may still join in directly.


Baby Boy
כ״א אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 24, 2024

New York State Senators Met with Crown Heights Layleaders

New York State Senators Iwen Chu of Brooklyn, New York, Sean Ryan of Buffalo, and Jeremy Cooney of Rochester, visited Crown Heights, where they met with local askonim to discuss Jewish education, community safety, and home foreclosures among other topics.


Experience Elul with the New Chassidus App

The recent launch of the Chassidus App by Heichal Menachem of Boro Park has been hailed as a revolution in making Chassidus accessible. But the plethora of choices has made deciding what to listen to more difficult. With this in mind, has begun a series to highlight shiurim of special interest.


Grant Will Donate a New Chabad House Mikvah

An anonymous donor is committing to fund a new Mikvah in honor of their mother at a Chabad House and is now taking applications for the project. The offer has been verified by


Air Force Pounds Southern Lebanon, Weapons Explosions

In an operation titled “Northern Arrows,” the IDF has carried out well over 800 airstrikes across Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah launchers and arsenal. The number of airstrikes in one day is a record for Israel, and is nearing a world record. Huge secondary explosions show the presence of Hezbollah’s arsenal.


Singer Releases New Single on ‘Good News’

During a time when much of the news in Eretz Yisroel is filled with doom and gloom, Lubavitcher singer Simche Friedman released a song to uplift his fellow countrymen with a positive attitude to the news.


Baby Boy
כ׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 23, 2024

300 Years of Light: Celebrating the Ba’al Shem Tov’s Teachings

This year, Chai Elul 5784 marks a monumental milestone—300 years since the Ba’al Shem Tov began learning with his spiritual master, Achiya HaShiloni. This video explores the significance of this anniversary and how the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov continue to inspire and elevate our lives today.

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