Mrs. Sara Mishulovin, originally from Russia, and a longtime resident of Los Angeles, passed away after a lengthy illness.
Mrs. Sara Mishulovin, originally from Russia, and a longtime resident of Los Angeles, passed away after a lengthy illness.
She was 89 years old.
She was the daughter of Reb Bentzion Moshe Pill of Samarkand.
Her husband, R’ Dovid Mishulovin, is not being informed of his wife’s passing.
She is survived by her children Benzion (Benny) Mishulovin – Los Angeles, Feiga Bisk – Toronto, Rivka Tewel – New York, Boruch Mishulovin – New York, Yosef Yitzchok (Yossi) Mishulovin, – Los Angeles, and Michoel Mishulovin – Moscow, as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Levaya information:
The levaya will take place at the Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles – facing East – at 2:00 pm. It will be for people to drive by, to say Tehillim and ask Mechila. Please do not get out of your car. The procession will then drive past Rabbi Citron’s Shul – Ahavas Yisroel Synagogue.
The kevura will be attended by a private minyan.
Zoom link for Levaya at the Beis Hachayim at 2:45pm.
Join URL:
Shiva information
By email: [email protected]
By phone/text/WhatsApp:
Benny – 323 336 7080
Rivka – 917 498 8174
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Fruma Sara bas Benzion Moshe