Historic Lubavitch Shul in Boro Park is Torn Down

After years of dinei Torah and legal battles, Anshei Lubawitz, the historic Lubavitch shul of Boro Park and possibly the oldest Lubavitch shul in the US, was torn down to make way for a construction project.

After years of dinei Torah and legal battles, Anshei Lubawitz, the historic Lubavitch shul of Boro Park and possibly the oldest Lubavitch shul in the US, was torn down to make way for a construction project.

The shul, located at 4024-12th Ave., is the first shul in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, and is likely the oldest Luabvitch shul in America. Founded in 1914, the shul was led by prominent Lubavitcher chassidim, including Rabbi Eliyahu Simpson, Rabbi Yitzchok Dovber Ushpal, and Rabbi Yitzchok Raitport. They also received numerous letters from the Rebbeim.

The shul, situated on 12th Avenue and the corner of 41st Street, has been the subject of dispute between a real estate developer and members of the congregation. The conflict centers around the vehement opposition from many of the shul’s regular mispalelim and concerned Lubavitcher chassidim to selling the shul and allowing a developer to gut the historic building and replace it with five floors of high-end condominiums. The developer is committed to build a bigger and more updated shul for Anshei Lubawitz on the building’s ground floor, but the sentimental value of the existing structure will be lost.

In a halachic teshuva printed in his sefer Teshuvos V’Hanhagos, Harav Moshe Sternbuch of the Eida Hachareidis prohibited the sale.

In an effort to halt the destruction, activists have applied for historical landmark status for the building, but that was apparently not achieved. Today, the historic building was taken town, ending an era forever.

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  1. I believe The frierdiker rebbe stayed there for a bit during his visit and even delivered a talk from the deck with thousands of people present

    A full detailed recounting is printed in sefer hasichos of that year

  2. 1. Are you sure Rabbi Simpson was a Rov in that shul?
    2. Are sure this picture is in that shul? (did it have a hall in addition to a sanctuary?)
    3. This is a sad day!….:(

  3. You forget to mention that the developer who illegally took over the shul, had the building demoed illegally. Without any permits and in middle of a din torah.
    This is an outrage

  4. What a clumsy rush job. There was no forethought or care taken for safety at all . No barricades erected & the rubble went flying down FAST , crash landing on top of somebody’s car ! You can tell they wanted it done before anybody had a chance to stop it . Definitely not kosher !

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