War Day 523: Signs of Life From Hostage, Hamas Sends Child to Approach Soldiers

War Summary, Day 523: Signs of life from hostage Avinatan Or, Hamas demands free electricity and water from Israel, Israel mulling return to war as reported deadline approaches, new IDF chief favours soldiers handling aid in Gaza to remove Hamas, Hamas sends child to approach IDF soldiers in no-go zone, teen injured by terror attack, IDF troops locate large cache of weapons near Jerusalem, Shin Bet thwarted nearly 200 terror attacks in the past month, Israel seeking normalization with Lebanon yet Lebanon denies, Israel issues threat to Iran, and IDF chases Syrian military away from Druze villages.

Knesset Approves Bill to Establish Lubavitcher Rebbe Heritage Center

The Israeli Knesset has given preliminary approval to a bill, initiated by MK Amichai Eliyahu of the Otzma Yehudit party proposing the creation of a national heritage center dedicated to the Rebbe. “The Rebbe’s shluchim don’t ask whether you are religious, or if you align politically with the right or the left. They’re simply there for you,” Eliyahu said.  

Elegant Rambam Seminar Honored Siyum in Moscow

An extensive seminar was held in Moscow honoring the legacy of the Rambam and the study cycle of daily Rambam instituted by the Rebbe. Hundreds joined for all-day sessions followed by a lavish dinner led by the Chief Rabbis of Israel and Russia.

LEC Dinner Highlighted Teachers’ Life-Changing Impact

Over 800 staff, parents, and supporters gathered to celebrate ‘A Beautiful Tomorrow’ at Miami’s Lubavitch Educational Center annual dinner. The highlight of the evening was two inspiring presentations featuring alumni remembering life-changing impact teachers had on them.

Purim Prep 101: Toiveling, Challah, and Egg FAQs

Deena Englard via frocksinstock.com
Deena Englard via frocksinstock.com

In this special Purim episode, Rabbi Berel Polityko explores some common questions: Whether to toivel dishes intended for mishloach manos, the halachos of hafrashas challah, and what to do when blood spots are found in eggs.

Long Island Shliach Publishes Book on Purpose

A new book by Long Island shliach, Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, titled “Your Unique Purpose,” stems from Rabbi Teldon’s personal journey following the passing of his son in 5751. The book, which is based on authentic Chassidus, is published by Kehos and will be available after Pesach.

War Day 522: New Hostage Deal on Table, Houthis Renew Blockade

War Summary, Day 522: Witkoff now in Qatar for negotiations, new deal on table for 10 hostages to come home in exchange for 60 days and many terrorists, possible push for some hostages this Shabbos, special operations in Qabatiya and Jenin, senior terrorists captured in Judea and Samaria, airstrikes and targeted elimination in Lebanon, negotiations beginning in Lebanon including over longtime border dispute, Houthis announce renewed blockade of Israeli-tied ships, Iran won’t negotiate, and IDF confirms airstrikes in Syria against new regime.

Live: Simcha Through the Lens of Chassidus

Live at 9 pm ET: Kollel L’lomdei Dach invites the Anash community to a special shiur by Reb Yosef Klyne, mashpia in Nyack and maggid shiur at Kollel L’lomdei Dach, on the topic of “Simcha Through the Lens of Chassidus.”

Inspired by Yeshivas Erev, Boy Created His Own Online Cheder

Levi Yosef Wagner (10) of Krefeld, Germany, learned in Yeshivas Erev about teaching others, and he decided to create his own online Cheder for children ages 7 to 10. Three times a week they met for 90 minutes, and he taught them hilchos brachos and Shabbos, siddur translation, and mastery of Rashi script.

Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour

Live at 8:30 PM: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour featuring Rabbi Nissan Zibell with ‘The Kosher Consumer’s Practical Shopper’s Guide,’ Rabbi Yosef Braun on non-Jewish help on Shabbos, and Rabbi Berel Bell on Birchos Hanehenin.

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