Bochur Injured In Poconos Crash Celebrates Miraculous Recovery

Shneur Zalman Blesofsky, who was seriously injured in a car accident a few months ago, arrived today at 770 to recite Hagomel and celebrate a seudas hodaah.

By reporter
Photos, Video: Avreimke Eisenshtien

Shneur Zalman Blesofsky, who was seriously injured in a car accident a few months ago, arrived today at 770 to recite Hagomel during Krias HaTorah this morning and celebrate a seudas hodaah.

Zalman was seriously injured when a van carrying 12 bochurim from Yeshiva Chayolei Beis Dovid in Poconos, overturned into a deep ditch while returning from a Chof Beis Shevat trip to New York.

Following his accident, Zalman remained in serious condition for a number of weeks, after which he began greatly improving. Shortly after Pesach, he was released from the hospital and greeted joyfully by family and friends.

On Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Zalman returned to Yeshiva for a brief visit where he was welcomed by his fellow students with a spirited dance, in thanks to Hashem for his great miracles. Zalman also addressed the bochurim, thanking them for their tefillos, and the entire celebration took an additional dimension of thanks and gratitude.

After discharge from the hospital Zalman was transferred to a rehabilitation center where he spent a few weeks continuing his recovery.

On Thursday morning, Zalman arrived at 770 Eastern Parkway to recite Birchas Hagomel during Krias HaTorah in the Rebbe’s minyan.

After davening, Zalman held a seudas hodaah in 770 joined by friends and relatives thanking Hashem for his miraculous recovery.


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