Bochur Injured in Car Accident Released from Hospital

Shneur Zalman Blesofsky, the bochur who was seriously injured when a van with 12 bochurim overturned into a deep ditch while returning from a Chof Beis Shevat trip to New York, has been released from rehab into outpatient care on Thursday.

Shneur Zalman Blesofsky, the bochur who was seriously injured when a van with 12 bochurim overturned into a deep ditch while returning from a Chof Beis Shevat trip to New York, has been released from rehab into outpatient care on Thursday.

As he stepped out of the hospital, Zalman was greeted by a group of friends from Yeshiva who began singing, thanking Hashem for finally bringing his release.

On Wednesday, Zalman’s family thanked all those who helped them along the way:

“With great appreciation to Hashem, we are thrilled to share the good news that Zalman will iyh be leaving rehab on Thursday and moving to outpatient care.

“He is more mobile, and his vision has improved somewhat. We are still davening for a full refuah with his eyesight. We are definitely on a smoother part of this journey now. Although we are not at the end yet, we would like to share how much all your support means in every way.

“This is not in any way a solo journey, and we have been carried along by our family, friends and communities in so many places.”

Please continue to say Tehillim for Shneur Zalman Hakohen ben Elisheva, b’soch she’ar cholei yisrael.

AUDIO: Zalman Blesofsky thanks everyone for their tehillim and support:

VIDEO: Zalman is greeted by friends as he leaves the hospital:


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