In the fourth episode of the “Hilchisa L’Meshica” podcast, Rabbi Avraham Schneerson analyzes the opinions of the Rebbe and the Kli Yakar on this fascinating topic of whether a “Chazir” will actually become kosher and edible when Moshiach comes.
Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad is pleased to introduce a new episode of the Hilchisa L’mishicha podcast, exploring interesting and fresh topics about Moshiach and Geulah. It will draw from a wide range of sources in halacha, aggadah, and various seforim.
The 20-30 minute weekly podcast is delivered by maggidei shiur Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin, senior editor at, and Rabbi Avraham Schneerson, both members of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad.
This will be a great opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe’s important call to learn these topics in a new and interesting way.
If you have questions you want to submit to be covered in upcoming episodes, please email
Episode #4
In this episode, Rabbi Avraham Schneerson analyzes the opinions of the Rebbe and the Kli Yakar on this fascinating topic of whether a “Chazir” will actually become kosher and edible when Moshiach comes.
Link to find the podcast on your favorite platform
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Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad is a joint project of the Hilchasa K’Rav Institute and the Bais Medrash L’Shluchim of Merkos 302
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