Watch: Panorama of Halacha feature: A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas.

The following issues are discussed by Rabbi Raskin in this week’s episode:

  1. There is virtue in giving Tzedoko discreetly. On the other hand, there is merit in giving publicly – in order to encourage others to follow suit. How do we balance this?[1]
  2. May the last words of the Kesubah – הכל שריר וקיים – be centred?[2]
  3. To effect a Kinyan, is the lifting of a thin Gartel sufficient?[3]
  4. Our Friday night guest brought us a box of chocolates. May we enjoy the treat on Shabbos?[4]
  5. During Krias haTorah on a fast day the congregation recite several verses, after which the Baal Korei reads each verse from the Torah. The man who has that Aliyah – does he recite those verses with the congregation or with the Baal Korei?[5]
  6. In Tanach there are numerous words written in one form but pronounced differently (קרי\כתיב). So too in the Megila. One who read a word in the Megila in the written form, does he have to read the Megila again?[6]
  7. Is Matonos loEvyonim for the poor to celebrate Purim, or is it equally valid if they will hold on to the money for a later date?[7]
  8. Feedback: Is the minimum Matonos loEvyonim a pruta or a meal’s worth?[8]
  9. Feedback: Removal of a teabag from a cup of tea on Shabbos:[9]
  10. Due to multiple readings of the Megila I became hoarse. Am I permitted to sip water during the reading, with a brocho of course?[10]

To listen to Panorama of Halacha on a podcast, click here.

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[1]  תורת מנחם תשמ”ז ח”ג ע’  248 ואילך.

[2] משפט הכתובה ח”א ע’ רמו.

[3] נטעי גבריאל – נישואין ח”א פ”ל ס”ד.

[4] נתיבים בשדה השליחות ח”ב ע’ 228 ואילך, על פי שוע”ר סו”ס תה.

[5]  ראה ספר חסידים אות תרנ; משנה ברורה סי’ תקסו סק”ג; קובץ מגד ירחים גליון ח, מאמר הרב משה באגאמילסקי נ”י.

[6] ראה או”ח סי’ תרצ סי”ד; משנה ברורה שם ס”ק מה.

[7] רמ”א סי’ תרצד ס”ב. וראה שוע”ר סי’ רמב ס”ח.


[9] שבת כהלכה ח”ב פי”ד סל”ד.

 [10]  ראה שו”ע סי’ תרצ ס”ה וסי’ תרצב ס”ב; שו”ע אדה”ז סי’ תלב ס”ז.


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