Watch: How Is Not Bowing to Haman Relevant Today?

​As we prepare for Purim, we must discuss with our children who Haman is today and what it means not to “bow” to him. Contemporary Chinuch with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie.

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For the second year in a row, Rabbi Michoel Gourarie of Sydney, Australia has been producing weekly chinuch messages geared to provide parents with tips and material to guide their children. Now, is proud to present these timely chinuch messages on video.

“Youth today are often insufficiently familiar with the fundamentals of our beliefs and we need to discuss it with them,” Rabbi Gourarie told “The Shabbos table or other family meals are great opportunities to generate conversation and direct the discussion towards topics of healthy hashkafa.”

Rabbi Gourarie is now giving a fundamental parenting course titled “Effective Parenting for Chassidishe Families.” It’s not too late to join. Click here to register and get the first recording.


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