Veteran Mashpia to Guide Younger Mashpi’im

As part of a new groundbreaking project providing a framework for Bochurim’s personal growth, veteran Mashpia Rabbi Osher Farkash will be guiding younger Mashpi’im on how to individualize concepts of Chassidus for each bochur, and how to help the bochur discover areas of talent.

Following the successful launch of ‘Sugiyos Ba’avoda’, a collection of central Ma’amorim and prepared Shiurim, created by Igud Yeshivos and Merkos Suite 302, Rabbi Osher Farkash, noted Mashpia of Yeshivas Lubavitch Argentina, will be giving Mashpi’im personal guidance on how to support their students to apply the topic into their day-to-day lives.

Rabbi Mendel Itzinger, Head of Igud Yeshivos Lubavitch says: “Since the writing of Tanya, and even prior to then, Chassidus was meant to be learned with a Mashpia, someone who will take the written word and guide us in making it part of our lives.

“One need not look far to see how central a role in our lives, the Rebbe wants that Mashpi’im should be.

“If after each Ma’amor a Bochur would discuss with his Mashpia how to apply it, the Ma’amor would be different, the person would be different, and the entire atmosphere would be different”.

Adding to the practical Shiurim on the subject, Rabbi Osher Farkash will be guiding younger Mashpi’im on how to individualize the concepts for each Bochur, and how to help the Bochur discover areas of talent and how they can capitalize on them, and areas of improvement and how to improve on them.

Helping the Mashpia talk to each Bochur one-on-one.

“This is a truly a breakthrough moment in the lives of so many of our Talmidim, and so many Mashpi’im have been asking for this,” Rabbi Itzinger concludes. “I cannot thank enough all the team at Merkos 302 under the leadership of Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky for making this happen. We Daven that it will have far-reaching effects on the lives of countless Bochurim for years to come.


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