Upshernish Boys to Star on Special Horse and Buggy

A special horse and buggy in the Lag B’omer march on Friday will feature the 3 year old boys who will be celebrating their upshernish on that day. Space is limited so reserve your spot today.

By reporter

A special horse and buggy in the Lag B’omer march on Friday will feature the 3 year old boys who will be celebrating their upshernish on that day.

As first reported on, all Crown Heights schools will be proudly marching on the community streets on Lag B’omer, displaying their Yiddishe pride. The march will be followed by a grand rally in front of 770, organized and run by NCFJE.

With many Crown Heights boys turning three during sefirah, when cutting hair is not allowed, a large number of upshernish celebrations will be taking place on Lag B’omer. To give those boys an experience of a lifetime, parade organizers have arranged for a special horse and buggy that will bring the upshrernish children on the march.

The horse and buggy will be brought in to Crown Heights especially for the march, and will be reserved solely for the upshernish boys and one adult to accompany each.

Space is limited so reserve your spot today.

Click here to reserve a spot.


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