Unofficial Farbrengens Transcribed in New Booklet

teshura memento distributed at a recent wedding in Eretz Yisroel contains transcriptions of  ‘mini farbrengens’ held in the house of Reb Yoel Kahn, the Rebbe’s chozer, on Friday nights.

By reporter

teshura memento distributed at a recent wedding in Eretz Yisroel contains transcriptions of  ‘mini farbrengens’ held in the house of Reb Yoel Kahn on Friday nights.

Reb Yoel served for many years as the Rebbe’s chozer, and still serves as the head mashpia of the Yeshiva at 770. In his capacity as mashpia for the Yeshiva, he farbrengs on special occasions throughout the year for a large crowd of bochurim and anash.

Besides for these official farbrengens, Reb Yoel also holds a mini-farbrengen of sorts on a weekly basis. Every Friday night, a group of bochurim from 770 join his Shabbos meal in his house next door to 770, where Reb Yoel discusses concepts in Chassidus, relates stories of chassidim and memories from his youth in Tel Aviv with renowned chassidim, and sings niggunim with the bochurim.

In 5778, one of the bochurim who attended these meals sat down every Motzei Shabbos and transcribed the discussions. At the wedding of Avraham and Feiga Goldshmit in Yerushalayim this week, a teshura memento was distributed with 15 of these transcripts, making for over 150 pages of Reb Yoel’s farbrengens.

Although the transcriptions were not reviewed by Reb Yoel, and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed, they give a glimpse into the unique Shabbos meals and the special atmosphere by these ‘unofficial’ farbrengens.

Click here to download the booklet.


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