Tzfas Students Dedicate Shabbos Afternoons to Late Friend

The Bochurim in Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei HaShluchim dedicated a new Shabbos learning program to a former talmid of the Yeshiva who passed away three years ago.

The Bochurim in Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei HaShluchim dedicated a new Shabbos learning program to a former talmid of the yeshiva. The initiative included a rigorous schedule of learning a Maamer each week. Virtually the entire yeshivah was involved.

Every Shabbos morning the Bochurim were taught a fundamental Maamar of the Rebbe. An intense review followed in the afternoon, with Bochurim filling Zal and outdoors, trying to master the Maamar. On Motzei Shabbos, they were tested thoroughly on the material learned.

The special peulah, named “Maamar for Shmuel”, was dedicated in memory of a former Talmid of the yeshiva, Shmuel Karnowsky A”H.

The goal was to imbue the bochurim with an appreciation for the depth and beauty of the Rebbe’s Maamarim. The 80+ Bachurim who excelled in the learning were rewarded with a thrilling horseback riding experience in the forested hillside near Tzfas. “Maamer for Shmuel” was made possible thanks to the generosity of Shmuel’s parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Osher Karnowsky.

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