Toronto Welcomes Torah in Memory of Meir Likhovetski 

The Chabad community in Toronto joyously welcomed a new Sefer Torah written in memory of Meir Likhovetski a”h, a 19-year-old bochur killed in a car accident last year while on C-Teen Shlichus.

By reporter
Photos: R’ Yakov Makukha

A new Sefer Torah was joyously welcomed in Toronto, Canada in memory of Meir Likhovetski a”h, a 19-year-old bochur killed in a car accident last year while on C-Teen Shlichus to Mason, Ohio.

The Torah was completed at the Likhovetski home in Toronto, Canada where friends and family inscribed the final letters in the Sefer Torah.

A parade from the Likhovetski home was led by “Meir’s Mitzvah Tank” from Crown Heights, and it proceeded to JNY (Jewish North York) where Hakofos and dancing were led by Rabbi Yisroel Karpilovsky.

The celebration was joined by members of Meir’s family, including his parents, sisters, and extended family, as well as his community, members of Anash, and his friends that came from all over the world.

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  1. It was a great event to commemorate great young man. Thank you for your enormous deducation to your son and all our community. Irina Vilenski

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