This Restaurant Was Built to Look Like 770

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

The 770s of the Holy Land: In his sixth installment of his pictorial tour of 770 replicas, photographer Dovber Hechtman captured the replica of Mitzpe Ramon and the ‘Nachum Restaurant’ in Kfar Chabad.

By reporter

The 770s of the Holy Land: In his sixth installment of his pictorial tour of 770 replicas, photographer Dovber Hechtman captured two replicas, each with a unique story of their own.

The first is the Chabad House of Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev desert. Built by shliach Rabbi Tzvi Slonim, it also includes a replica of the Rebbe’s room.

Rabbi Slonim, who said that he had wanted to build the copy of the Rebbe’s room ever since he completed his ‘770’, the idea from similar copies made in 770 in Kfar Chabad and in Ramat Shlomo, Yerushalayim.

He was finally able to fulfill his dream after he met Aryeh Lipsker, a Lubavitcher carpenter, who had happened to pass by his Chabad house, and when seeing a ‘770’ walked in to check it out. The shliach told the carpenter about his idea, and Aryeh agreed to take on the project.

The second is unique not because of its building style, but rather because of its use. While most 770 replicas serve as shuls or Chabad Houses, this replica, located in Kfar Chabad, serves as a restaurant and a catering hall for simchas…

The facade of the single-story building replicates the highest floor of 770 in Crown Heights. Previously called the ‘770 Restaurant,’ it is today called the Nachum Restaurant.

Previous installments:
– Kfar Chabad
– Ramat Shlomo, Yerushalayim
– Pisgat Ze’ev, Yerushalayim
– Sderot
Migdal Ha’emek, Zichron Yaakov, Kiryat Ata, Afula

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