Photographer Tours Four Unique 770 Replicas

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

The 770s of the Holy Land: In his fifth installment of his pictorial tour of 770 replicas, photographer Dovber Hechtman captured four replicas in the North of Eretz Yisroel, each with a unique story of its own. 

By reporter

In his fifth installment of his pictorial tour of 770 replicas, photographer Dovber Hechtman captured four replicas in the North of Eretz Yisroel, each with a unique story of its own. 

The first is the central Chabad shul of Migdal Ha’emek. Despite only being two floors tall, it was built to resemble the three-floored 770 in New York. The shul, built in memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, was dedicated by Rabbi Meyer Gutnick of Crown Heights.

The shul building also includes a mikvah, rooms for functions, and even a mini-market.

The replica in Zichron Yaakov, the second in this installment, is the only 770 replica that is a non-Lubavitch shul.

The building was originally built by the municipality for the local Chabad House, but due to unfortunate politics, the building was transferred to another community. As such, it remains a functioning shul, but not a Lubavitch one.

The shliach recently launched a campaign to have the building returned to the Chabad community.

In Kiryat Ata, the design of the shul is a unique interpretation of the “770 style.”

While using the iconic red bricks, white window frames and light wooden doors, the shul is a far stretch from a replica of 770, and can better be described as drawing inspiration from the original 770.

Heading the shul is Harav Chaim Shlomo Diskin, rov of the Chabad community and official rov of the city.

Perhaps the most touching 770 replica is the one in Afula. Built in memory of murdered Mumbai shluchim Rabbi Gabi and Rivky Holtzberg hy”d by her parents Rabbi Shimon and Yehudit Rosenberg, the center is named ‘Beis Maasim Tovim Gabi v’Rivky.’

The replica serves as a shul and a community center, and also houses a gown gemach, spaces for classes and events, and a child care center.

Previous installments:
– Kfar Chabad
– Ramat Shlomo, Yerushalayim
– Pisgat Ze’ev, Yerushalayim

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  1. הבית כנסת 770 במגדל העמק הוא 4 קומות ולא שתיים, קומת כניסה – בית כנסת לימי חול, קומה ב’ אולם ענק לתפילות שבת, קומה ג’ עזרת נשים רחבה, קומה תחתית שימשה לישיבת תות”ל מגדל העמק בתחילת דרכה וכיום מושכרת בבעלות לבית ספר מחשבה.

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