Perhaps once or twice in a lifetime, an opportunity arises that is simply too extraordinary to miss. The Insider Auction is more than an event—it’s a gateway to something greater, an experience that blends opulence, impact, and purpose.
Perhaps once or twice in a lifetime, an opportunity arises that is simply too extraordinary to miss. The Insider Auction is more than an event—it’s a gateway to something greater, an experience that blends opulence, impact, and purpose. But behind the glimmering prizes and exclusive atmosphere stands the true heart of this initiative: Bnos Menachem.
Bnos Menachem isn’t just a school—it’s a pillar of Chinuch, shaping the daughters of Klal Yisroel into confident, educated, and deeply connected Jewish women. Nestled in the heart of Crown Heights, this renowned institution is dedicated to providing an exceptional Torah education with unwavering commitment to academic excellence, personal growth, and a strong Chassidishe foundation.
For the families of Bnos Menachem, this mission isn’t theoretical—it’s deeply personal. Every student represents the future of the Jewish people. Every lesson is an investment in the next generation of wives, mothers, and leaders. And now, The Insider Auction gives YOU the opportunity to be part of this vital mission.
That’s why we invite you to step inside Join Us – Give Big, Win Bigger.
On March 9 iyh, 2025 (9 Adar 5785), The Insider Auction will unveil a night of unforgettable entertainment, opulence, and meaning.
But the true reward isn’t just the prizes—it’s the impact you create.
When you buy a ticket, you’re not just entering to win your favorite Rolex, a $25,000 Bitcoin portfolio, or an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel. You’re investing in a legacy. You’re ensuring that every girl at Bnos Menachem continues to thrive, learn, and grow into the powerful Jewish women of tomorrow.
For the next 48 hours, buy a ticket for a chance to win $20,000 worth of Simpson Jewelry and get a free entry to win your dream wig. Use coupon code FORHER.
offer expires Friday at 12pm.
Watch the video. Feel the impact. Become an Insider.
Get your tickets now at
This extremely materialistic and glorification off excess and being an insider seems off brand with bnos Menachem’s mission to impart chassidishe values
They don’t teach that, but to raise money they reason they need to appeal to people’s materialistic instinct.
I thought the same when I saw my daughter come home with this catalog. It glorifies values which are not in line with the chassidishe chinuch Bnos Menachem gives. Of course every auction has to have some gashmiyus to appeal to the nefesh habehamis, but there’s a difference between a few sentences describing the prize, and pages upon pages about why this influencer with so many followers thinks you should want to win the extravagant prize….es past nisht.
I’m sure it was an oversight on part of the incredible Bnos Menachem team to let this through and I encourage everyone to donate to the school directly through their website, no need to enter the auction.
The auction booklet that was mailed out glorified Instagram influencers and their lifestyle…doesn’t seem appropriate for a Lubavitcher mosad, especially one that prides itself on chassidishe chinuch
Have we lost hope in Lubavitchers? Do we no longer believe in giving to a good cause, with getting some prizes a side motivation?
I personally know a number of people who were so turned off by the advertising that they aren’t buying any tickets at all…
It is hard to imagine that whoever came up with this message is an “insider” when it come to our Chassidisher values.
There are many auction and raffles to raise money for a moised, they however dont try sell you on why you NEED a rolex to impress people, or why every family should spend irresponsible amounts of money to eat shakshukah overlooking the Western Wall. The article about the need of materialism was also disappointing.
A real shame from a moised that prides itself in its chinuch and staying strong to chassidishe values!
As someone who has ran a campaign before, the marketing is done by an outside agency who writes the copy and makes the graphics. The moisad, which does stand for chassidishe values, paid little attention to these details.
I’m sure now that it was pointed it out, they will be more careful in the future.
its obvious the advertisement was made by an outside company, no reason to bash a Moisad that does such amazing work because of the prizes in their auction.
Suddenly everyone is worried about Lubavitch values. How many of you are careful when you learn chitas and rambam? How many of you are careful to have ahavas Yisrael? How many of you actually care about our deep core values? It’s very easy to pretend to care when you are behind a keyboard, but we all see through your facade.
Good shabbos.
Bnos Menachem is a moisad trying harder every day to raise their students with a strong Chinuch that makes the Rebbe proud. They spare no effort, in my experiences both as a student and from the other side of the desk.
If you would, in theory, support, yet the details of the campaign throw you off – think back to your positive intention and help in the way that you can.
Tizku lemitzvos!