Alongside its collections of over 250,000 printed books, the Rebbe’s library is also home to several thousand manuscripts, including parts of the original draft of Mishna Berurah and the priceless personal Siddur of the Baal Shem Tov.
How We Can Find Space for Other People in Our Life
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When we stand firm, no matter how much space we have, we’ll always feel hampered, threatened, and inhibited by others. But when we “prostrate” ourselves to a higher purpose, we’ll have plenty of room for the other people in our life.
Locked in a Hotel Room, He Learned the Maamar 400 Times
A successful diamond merchant, R. Monyeh Moneszhon was told by the Rebbe Maharash to learn one maamar four hundred times straight. He locked himself in a hotel room and did that, and he came out a changed man.
Pamphlets, Placards and Pashkevillin
One of the more recent collections uploaded to the website of the Rebbe’s library is a selection of over 1,000 leaflets, fliers, and pamphlets, spanning the years 1650 to 1960.
Do You Ask the Rebbe Your Real-Life Questions?
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Rebbe is known to many as an address to turn to when we need help in life, be it in business, health, shidduchim. Let’s remember that the Rebbe’s field of expertise is Yiddishkeit and chinuch.
The Chossid Who Was Told Not to Learn His Shiurim After Davening
R. Yehoshua Lein of Nevel, who served as a rosh yeshiva, rov and schochet, was given a seder in learning by the Rebbe Rashab. When asked when to learn them, the Rebbe advised him to delay it until later in the day, so he would carry around that obligation.
What We Can Do About Too Much Screen Time
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Children nudge to have just a few more minutes of screen time. A few minutes may be harmless but are we slowly building “walls” of habit? It’s our job to give pause and scout the land.
Over Dangerous Mountains, He Risked His Life for Chinuch
An orphan from a young age, R. Avrohom Levik Slavin came to Lubavitch at age 14, and was placed in the senior Zal. Sent by the Rebbe Rashab to Georgia, he traveled through mountainous regions educating the locals, and he refused to leave his post even at fear of arrest.
Here’s How You Can Access the Seforim Still in Russia
Who doesn’t know about the ongoing battle between Chabad and Russia over the seforim of the Rebbeim? But did you know that even as the seforim remain captive in Moscow, you can still browse them?
He Walked Into the KGB Office and Asked for a Picture of the Rebbe
A respected tomim and chozer, R. Avraham Baruch Pevzner was sent by the Frierdiker Rebbe to serve as a rov and mashpia in Minsk. When the KGB confiscated the Rebbe’s picture during a search of his home, he went after them to get it back.
How the Rebbe’s Library Responded to the Spread of the Internet
About two decades ago, with the spread of the internet, libraries across the world, started seeing a drastic decrease in the number of visitors. In response, the Rebbe’s library launched an ambitious project.
This Chossid Literally Emptied His Pockets
A chossid of the Rebbe Maharash, Rebbe Rashab, and Frierdiker Rebbe, R. Yehoshua Eliyahu Volosov was a generous baal tzedakah beyond his means who was moser nefesh to keep the Kharkov shul and mikvah open under Communism.
The Chossid Who Wouldn’t Let the Rebbe Rashab Think Chassidus
R. Shneur Zalman Slonim, a grandson of Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel, joined the Rebbe Rashab and his family on a trip to the Crimea. Before leaving, he was told not to let the Rebbe think Chassidus, which he did with a clever trick.
The Full Story Behind the Stolen and Redeemed Sefer
Special Edition: It’s not every day that a stolen sefer that belonged to the Rebbe Rashab and Frierdiker Rebbe is redeemed and returned to 770. Here’s the full story behind the manuscript.
The Lost Halachic Work Discovered in the Rebbe’s Library
The story of an important Halachic work, its second edition which was never printed, and how 20 pages of this work, in manuscript form, were discovered in the Rebbe’s library.
He Rescued His Boys Before It Was Too Late
Overtaken with financial difficulty, R. Nochum Yitzchok Pinson overlooked his children’s chinuch and they slowly became influenced by modernity. When it hit him, he enrolled his sons – ages 10 and 12 – at a branch of Tomchei Temimim 500 km away from home, where they became outstanding chassidim.
The Frierdiker Rebbe’s Battle Against the Board of Education
“No! That is our answer to the Board of Education’s plan, a threat to every yeshiva’s existence.” Read about the battle of the Frierdiker Rebbe against the New York Board of Education and read his words, which could have been said in 5783.
The Young Generation is On Another Wavelength
IBM, Lag B’omer, and the story of the communist teacher: No one would ever dream of surrendering our Yiddishe “hardware,” but what about the Yiddishe “software.”? An article by Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin.
A Tried-and-True Solution for Getting Kids to Listen
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Although a healthy dose of vitamin N (No) is good, these restrictions must not be sternly enforced but rather delivered with love and gentleness. Warming them works far better than warning them.
The History of the Rema’s “Other” Sefer
Rav Moshe Isserles, the ‘Rema’, is most well known for his work on Shulchan Aruch, which has been included in all editions since 1578. But it would take another century plus for his commentary on the Tur, to be printed.