Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: If my marriage is about me, my status, pride or sense of fulfillment, I’d surely choose to do only the more sophisticated and pleasurable jobs. But marriage shouldn’t be about me. It should be about something greater than me.
In the Middle of the Night, They Heard Knocking on the Door
It was late one blustery Friday night under Communism when knocking was heard on the door of a chossid’s home in Nevel. Terrified, he opened the door, to find the town’s shochet Reb Chaim Dovid Lein looking for candlelight by which to learn a maamar.
“With My Yisroel I Won’t Argue!”
A chossid of the Alter Rebbe from his early years in Liozna, R. Yisroel Yafeh of Dubravna was a talented baal menagen. When the Alter Rebbe went to rest during the Zhlobiner chassuna, he played his violin outside the door, inspiring the Rebbe to recite a maamar until 7 am.
The Cartier Saleswoman was Taken by His Confidence
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: There’s a notion that by blurring the boundaries between Yidden and goyim we’ll gain their respect. That we’ll solve the problem of anti-Semitism or anti-Israel biases by showing that we’re really all the same. But the opposite is true.
The Rebbe Rashab’s ‘True and Beloved Friend’
One of three people to receive semicha from the Rebbe Maharash, Reb Yaakov Mordechai Bezpalov, later the rov of Poltava, was the Rebbe Rashab‘s chavrusa and close friend who brought him comfort after his father’s histalkus.
When “Normal” Parenting Doesn’t Cut It
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: If we always go with what’s normal, chances are that when our children grow up, they may do even less than we did. But if we make a point to allow an “abnormal” situation—we have the children share rooms to make space for guests—these doses of abnormal commitment to Hashem will help educate our children to overcome tough times ahead of them.
The Tzemach Tzedek’s Chossid’s Difficult But Inspiring Life
A captivating memoir by Pinkhes Dov Goldenshteyn (1848-1930), a chossid of the Tzemach Tzedek, tells us in raw detail about his life in Ukraine without nostalgia or white-washing. For the first time, the book has been translated into English.
Mingling Wasn’t Allowed Even for the Holiest of Causes
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Men and women “mingling” on social media by commenting on each other’s posts or “private messaging” doesn’t always feel like a problem. Because it’s not in a physical setting it may seem okay when, of course, it’s not.
She Cursed the Rov, But Wanted Children Like Him
When a woman began shouting derogatory statements against Reb Boruch Mordechai Babroisker, his Rebbetzin could not bear it. But then the Rov proved to her that the woman didn’t really mean it.
Who’s Making Chinuch Decisions in Our Schools?
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: In the summer of 5718 (1958), there was a huge controversy amongst activists and journalists about a certain demonstration about Eretz Yisroel. At a farbrengen, the Rebbe noted that with all the screaming and blaming, people were missing the most vital point.
He Got the Czar’s Mattresses for the Rebbe
When the Frierdiker Rebbe asked R’ Boruch Sholom Kahn to buy mattresses for the Rebbe Rashab and Rebbetzin Shterna Sara, he went to the fanciest store and was not satisfied until they gave him the mattresses designated for Czar Nikolai II.
“Are All the Manufacturers in Russia So Learned?”
R’ Nechemya of Dubrovna, who was married to the Alter Rebbe‘s granddaughter, was a chavrusa to the Tzemach Tzedek and an exceptional gaon. Yet, he shied away from publicity and earned his livelihood from his taleisim factory.
Screens Don’t Need to be Put in Shaimos
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When we daven, say Tehillim, or learn Torah from an actual sefer, it’s an opportunity to hold a holy object and turn its holy pages. If at all possible, why exchange such an amazing opportunity for the convenience of a digital device?
She Thought the Rebbe Didn’t Want Her to Have a Nice House
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: A woman once wrote to the Rebbe that she felt hurt because she understood that the Rebbe wished her not to be wealthy. The Rebbe’s response surprised her.
He Couldn’t Get a Minyan to Keep Up with Him
During the year after the Tzemach Tzedek‘s histalkus, people would not want to join the minyan of Reb Chaim Schneur Zalman. Once he started davening, he would forget where he was and became absorbed in the davening for hours…
“He Wears a Simple Kapota and Torn Shtreimel”
A rov in Poznan, R. Akiva Eiger was an incredible gaon, yet unpretentious. While traveling to the health spas in Karlsbad, the Mitteler Rebbe visited him and was impressed by his great humility.
Now’s the Time to Take Your Goy to Court
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We each have a goy inside of us who wants us to see the world from his perspective and act based on that. The month of Adar is an opportune time to take our goy to court.
Kibbud Av V’Eim is Not for ‘Perfect Parents’
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Torah doesn’t command us to honor the perfect parents. It commands us to honor our parents. The Rebbe showed that sometimes we need to be creative in finding ways of fulfilling this mitzvah even when it’s difficult.
Lubavitch Opposition to New York Eruv is 120 Years Old
The topic of eruv in New York City and the Lubavitch view has been much discussed in recent times. But a newly uncovered newspaper clipping shows that the issue was addressed by a student of the Tzemach Tzedek nearly 120 years ago.
We Don’t Celebrate Death, But We Want the Eradication of Evil
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Yidden don’t celebrate death, but we do celebrate the eradication of evil. Turning to today’s evils, negotiations of any kind with terrorists is music to their ears. And music is not the sound they deserve to hear.