Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When we daven, say Tehillim, or learn Torah from an actual sefer, it’s an opportunity to hold a holy object and turn its holy pages. If at all possible, why exchange such an amazing opportunity for the convenience of a digital device?
She Thought the Rebbe Didn’t Want Her to Have a Nice House
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: A woman once wrote to the Rebbe that she felt hurt because she understood that the Rebbe wished her not to be wealthy. The Rebbe’s response surprised her.
He Couldn’t Get a Minyan to Keep Up with Him
During the year after the Tzemach Tzedek‘s histalkus, people would not want to join the minyan of Reb Chaim Schneur Zalman. Once he started davening, he would forget where he was and became absorbed in the davening for hours…
“He Wears a Simple Kapota and Torn Shtreimel”
A rov in Poznan, R. Akiva Eiger was an incredible gaon, yet unpretentious. While traveling to the health spas in Karlsbad, the Mitteler Rebbe visited him and was impressed by his great humility.
Now’s the Time to Take Your Goy to Court
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We each have a goy inside of us who wants us to see the world from his perspective and act based on that. The month of Adar is an opportune time to take our goy to court.
Kibbud Av V’Eim is Not for ‘Perfect Parents’
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Torah doesn’t command us to honor the perfect parents. It commands us to honor our parents. The Rebbe showed that sometimes we need to be creative in finding ways of fulfilling this mitzvah even when it’s difficult.
Lubavitch Opposition to New York Eruv is 120 Years Old
The topic of eruv in New York City and the Lubavitch view has been much discussed in recent times. But a newly uncovered newspaper clipping shows that the issue was addressed by a student of the Tzemach Tzedek nearly 120 years ago.
We Don’t Celebrate Death, But We Want the Eradication of Evil
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Yidden don’t celebrate death, but we do celebrate the eradication of evil. Turning to today’s evils, negotiations of any kind with terrorists is music to their ears. And music is not the sound they deserve to hear.
The Rebbe Rashab Studied His Hand Washing
Born in Latvia and raised in Chevron, R’ Shlomo Yehuda Leib Eliezerov was sent by the Rebbe Rashab to Samarkand, where he served as a rov and taught Torah to the young.
The Rebbe’s Words Surprised These Barbados Rabbis
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We’ve recently seen how thousands of Yidden who once claimed to want nothing to do with Hashem have now embraced Him. It’s sad that this came through such tragic circumstances, but let it be an inspiration to never give up on bringing Hashem’s presence to every single yid.
The Matriarch of Lubavitch: Wise, Sensitive, and Loyal
A prominent figure in Lubavitch, Rebbetzin Rivkah, whose 110th yahrtzeit is on Yud Shvat, was known for her wisdom and storytelling, as well as her sensitivity and kindness. Her admiration for her husband, the Rebbe Maharash, was so exceptional that she never sat while he stood and didn’t disturb him when her dress got caught in the door…
What’s Going On With Lubavitch?
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Chabad-Lubavitch is baruch Hashem functional, impressive, and influential. Those who want can see and share its beauty with others. But those who want to see shortcomings will see and peddle only that information.
The Violin Player Who Was Healed by the Alter Rebbe
An exceptional violin player, R’ Shlomo Chashniker‘s nigunim could melt his listeners’ hearts. Playing at the Zhlobiner Chassuna, R’ Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev showed him his heart and R’ Shlomo never had another machshava zara during davening.
He Never Lifted His Eyes To See New York’s Skyscrapers
An early tomim, R’ Avrohom Elyeh Akslerod came to the US in 1924 where he served a rov in Baltimore. He continued to act just as in Lubavitch and the Frierdiker Rebbe had a unique compliment for him.
Decisions Should Not Be Motivated by What “They” Will Say
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: It’s painful to see military and security decisions being made from fear of foreign approval. “What will the world say?” The Rebbe constantly emphasized that there are clear halachos for how to deal with security questions. The Will of Hashem should be the only deciding factor.
She Refused to Leave Him, and He Respected Her For It
Rebbetzin Sterna, the daughter of wealthy parents from Vitebsk, married the young Alter Rebbe. When he was shunned for becoming a chossid, she refused to get divorced and faithfully stood by her husband’s side.
Like Security, Chinuch Must Be Left to the Experts
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Notwithstanding Yosef’s greatness, he was not fit to run a Yeshiva. A Yeshiva must be led by those who have only one occupation: Torah. Even someone performing at the level of Yosef Hatzadik, is not fit to lead a Yeshiva properly if he has other occupations.
“So Mesiras Nefesh Has a Limit?”
Under Communist rule, Reb Yona Kahn “Poltaver” risked his life by running all underground branches of Tomchei Temimim in Russia. When Reb Mendel Futerfas asked him about leaving, Reb Yonah shared how he felt about it.
What Was the First Printed Work of the Chabad Rebbeim?
Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library: In honor of Hey Teves, Rabbi Berel Levine presents a special episode discussing the history of the earliest published work of our Rebbeim: The Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. And: Why did only one original page survive?
Our Colleges Are Sinking Into Selfish, Materialistic Mud
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When someone’s only credentials are the ones they got in college, this should concern us, not reassure us. We must question whether their indoctrination by secular institutions might get them and us stuck in the mire of self and materialism.