In the newest episode of ‘Making Chassidus Real,’ Rabbi Michoel Gourarie discusses why spiritual experiences, which may feel good, won’t necessarily bring us close to Hashem, and what will.
We Can Do More to Stop Bullying
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Educating Jewish children with the same methods as public school kids is, at the very least, a major disservice. Before looking elsewhere for guidance on bullying and the like, let us ask ourselves: Did I try to do everything the Torah teaches on the matter?
The Chassidic “Traitor” Thrown Out by His Wife
A talmid of Tomchei Temimim, R. Fallik Gurary, brother of the Rashag, went on to become a gvir and askan like his father. Despite being arrested and exiled to Siberia for his activities, he and his wife remained committed to raising their children with a staunch dedication to Yiddishkeit and Chassidus.
Tur: Between the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch
One of the earliest Halacha Seforim to be published was the Arba’ah Turim, an important Halachic work that serves as a vital bridge between the early Rishonim and the Shulchan Aruch. The Rebbe’s library owns some of the earliest editions.
The Chossid Who Became the Rebbe Rashab’s “Son-in-Law”
A son of Rebbetzin Menucha Rochel, R. Mordechai Dov Ber Slonim lived in Chevron and resembled his grandfather, the Mitteler Rebbe. After showing up at the Rebbe Maharash‘s home at 2 am, he became very close to the young Rebbe Rashab, earning the nickname “son-in-law.”
When Non-Jewish Printers Fought Over the Rambam
Special edition for the Siyum Harambam: One of the earliest Seforim to be printed was the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. Learn about the earliest prints, the dramatic fight between two non-Jewish printers over the Rambam, and its tragic results.
How Do You Feel Today?
Emotional awareness and “Feeling Charts” have gained popularity as a way to help children regulate their emotions. But it can also raise children who are self-absorbed. Where is the balance?
When He Passed Away, the Frierdiker Rebbe Cried
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When the news of Reb Chaim Brisker’s passing reached Lubavitch, the Frierdiker Rebbe cried bitterly and told a story about his selfless pride. Selflessness doesn’t mean worthlessness.
The Wealthy Chossid Who Slept on a Bench
A chossid of stature and a wealthy man, R. Hirshel Gurary donned four pairs of tefillin and was a son-in-law of the Radziner Rebbe. When he was seen sleeping on a bench to attend the Frierdiker Rebbe‘s daughter’s chassuna, he inspired a Mirrer talmid in the way of Chassidus.
From the Haggadah of the Baal Shem Tov to the Rebbe’s Haggadah
Among the 1,500 Haggados owned by the Rebbe’s library, there are a number of them that have a special connection to Chabad. Rabbi Berel Levine displays and discusses several of them, starting from the Haggada of the Baal Shem Tov and concluding with the Haggada authored by our Rebbe.
The Most Unique Haggados in the Rebbe’s Library
In a special Pesach edition of ‘Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library’, Chief Librarian Rabbi Berel Levin displays and discusses the most unique and rare Haggados that are owned by the Rebbe’s library.
Vilna, Slavita and the Rebbe’s Sefer Torah
In the mid 1830, a fierce dispute broke out in the world of Jewish printing, one that had tragic results. How is this saga connected to the small Sefer Torah known as ‘The Rebbe’s Sefer Torah’?
Slavita Vs. Kopust: The Mitteler Rebbe’s Mediation
Following the passing of the Alter Rebbe, the Slavita printers began printing a new edition of the “Alter Rebbe’s Shas.” But then, the printers in Kopust began printing an edition of their own. To solve their dispute, they went to the Mitteler Rebbe…
Let’s Be Honest About Secular Studies in Our Yeshivos
In the newest episode of ‘Making Chassidus Real,’ Rabbi Michoel Gourarie discusses the need for honesty in our discussion of secular studies in our schools and the hope for improvement.
If the Alter Rebbe Printed a Shas, Why Isn’t it Well Known?
In this week’s episode of ‘Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library’, Chief Librarian Rabbi Berel Levin explores the Talmud and Tur published by the Alter Rebbe, and the reason that episode is not well known.
Amsterdam: A New Era of Jewish Printing
The resumption of printing of the Talmud after it was burnt and banned, a new print house in Amsterdam, and how the Chief Rabbi of Vilna ended up in the Netherlands. ‘Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library’ Episode 7.
Is Parenting Just About Unconditional Love?
In the newest episode of ‘Making Chassidus Real,’ Rabbi Michoel Gourarie discusses how secular thinking limits a person to single attitudes, while Torah and Chassidus allow us to apply two attitudes at once.
What Did Yidden Learn When Talmud Was Outlawed?
In this week’s episode of ‘Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library’, Chief Librarian Rabbi Berel Levin takes us back to the time when even owning a volume of Talmud was illegal, and explains the solution that Yidden came up with.
How Do We Know If Chassidus is Making Us Any Better?
In the newest episode of ‘Making Chassidus Real,’ Rabbi Michoel Gourarie discusses how we can tell if Chassidus is making a real change in our lives if we cannot achieve its high ideals.
Documentary Outtakes Show Vintage Chabad Scenes
Vintage Chabad scenes from Crown Heights, the Ohel and shlichus from the early 1990s are among the just-published 69 hours of outtakes from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America.” Watch some selections here.