Over 100 guests, including fathers, grandfathers, and siblings, of bochurim were hosted by the Suffield Yeshiva for an unforgettable weekend, offering them an opportunity to connect with their sons and experience the spirit of Yeshiva firsthand.
This past weekend, Suffield Yeshiva welcomed over 100 fathers, grandfathers, and siblings for a meaningful Shabbos Bikkur – Chazora L’yeshiva giving them the chance to connect with their sons and experience the spirit of Yeshiva firsthand.
The fathers arrived as early as Thursday afternoon and stayed through Sunday evening, immersing themselves in the Yeshiva environment. Comfortable accommodations were provided, complete with fresh linens, toiletries, and all necessary amenities to ensure a pleasant stay.
Friday morning began with engaging shiurim by the Yeshiva’s maggidei shiurim, followed by a special Mivtzoim outing for fathers and sons. A lavish toameha was enjoyed before Mincha, leading into Seder Chassidus and Seder Nigunim in the zal.
Kabolas Shabbos was followed by a grand seudas Shabbos, led by menahel Rabbi Bentzion Bluming, featuring words of inspiration from hanhala members Rabbi Menachem Fogelman, Rabbi Avremi Wolf, and Rabbi Shneur Schapiro. Bochur Mendel Ciment addressed the gathering, followed by parent speakers Rabbi Zalman Teichtel (Kansas) and Rabbi Shloimy Katz (Crown Heights). Rabbi Avrohom Blesofsky (Iowa City) led the benching, which seamlessly transitioned into a farbrengen that lasted late into the night.
Shabbos morning began with a joint Seder Chassidus for fathers and sons, followed by a warm, chassidishe davening. At the afternoon seudas Shabbos and farbrengen, Rabbi Bluming was joined by speakers mashpia Rabbi Mendel Sorkin, bochur Avi Yarmush, and shluchim Rabbi Leibel Schapiro (Deal, NJ), Rabbi Moshe Bleich (Wellesley, MA), and Rabbi Yerachmiel Zalmanov (Queens). The uplifting benching led into additional farbrengens, culminating in Seder Nigunim and Maariv.
After Shabbos concluded, parents were offered a tour of the expansive campus, and an opportunity to utilize the facilities together with their sons, including swimming in the Yeshiva’s Olympic sized pool and large gym.
The highlight of the weekend was the grand Melave Malka, which also marked the Siyum HaRambam. Local shluchim and anash joined from nearby communities, including Long Meadow, Litchfield, New Haven, and Glastonbury. The event featured the ‘Suffield Cappella,’ a group of musically talented bochurim playing instruments and singing.
Speakers included Rabbi Menachem M. Matusof (Alberta), who shared the history of Takanas HaRambam, and Rabbi Shmuel Heber (Crown Heights), a grandfather of one of the bochurim who passionately described his lifelong commitment to learning Rambam without missing a single day. Bochur Yehudah Zilberstein (Westchester) made the siyum, while Leivik Hamburger (Montreal) began the new cycle. Rabbi Zalman Butman shared stories of his grandfather, Rabbi Shmuel Butman, and unique ma’anos from the Rebbe on Siyumei Rambam. The evening concluded with spirited dancing and farbrengens lasting until nearly 4 AM.
Sunday morning began with Seder Chassidus, Shacharis, and Nigleh shiurim attended by fathers and sons. After Mincha and lunch, parents participated in PTA sessions, engaging with Yeshiva faculty about their children’s progress. A warm tzeischem l’shalom wrapped up the unforgettable weekend.
Parents left the weekend with words of high praise for the yeshiva and its hanahala, amazed at the high level of learning and chassidiskeit, the large and spacious grounds, and how the bochurim’s ruchnius and gashmius is taken care of at the highest standards.
Currently, the yeshiva has open registration for the coming year. In the first two weeks alone, they have received close to 200 applications, and are already reaching full capacity for Shiur Alef. However, the Yeshiva has a limited number of spots available in Shiur Beis and Gimmel for bochurim who were not yet ready to leave home in Shiur Alef or Beis but are now prepared to thrive in a strong, structured yeshiva environment. Yeshiva Gedola will also be shortly opening registration, stay tuned.
To apply for Mesivta Shiur Beis and Gimmel, please visit: ycs.parentlocker.com/25-26-application-form/
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