Siyum To Mark Completion of One-Third of Rambam

Join Wednesday at 2:00 PM EST: An international Siyum celebrating the completion of Sefer Kedusha and a third Mishne Torah, with an exclusive with renowned Rambam teachers Rabbi Yisroel Resnick, and Rabbi Yossi Lipskier.

“When it came to the Siyum of Sefer Hamada, people understood (“chapped”) that it needs to be associated with a joyful Farbrengen” (Shabbos Bamidbar 5744).

“I received the good news that in the coming days there will be a Siyum on a Sefer in Rambam” (Shabbos Pinchas 5745).

With these words, the Rebbe set the standard. Finishing a Sefer of Rambam is a cause for celebration.

On Wednesday, 3 Cheshvan, those learning 3 Perokim of Rambam daily will finish Sefer Kedusha, thereby completing one-third of their annual journey through the entire Mishneh Torah.

Join an international Siyum and be inspired to enhance your daily study of Rambam. Hear from Rabbi Yisroel Resnick, the Shliach who has successfully launched the groundbreaking “3 Perokim in 21 minutes” initiative, and from Rabbi Yossi Lipskier, who produces the incredible “Rambam with the Rebbe” podcast, rounding up all of the Rebbe’s explanations on the daily Shiur.

Answer a number of Rambam-related trivia questions and enter a raffle to win the set of Rambam of your choice.

Streaming live on Wednesday 2:00 PM EST at:


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