Reciting the Royal Bracha Upon Seeing King Charles III? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including reciting “Shenosan” on seeing King Charles III, visiting a church for a non-Jewish relative’s memorial, mistake found in a Torah during kriah, and closing off a chimney.

The following issues are discussed by Rabbi Raskin in this week’s episode:

  1. Is a Mezuzah required on the entrance to a Mikva facility?[1]
  2. When was ובא לציון enacted as a follow-on to Shacharis, and: why, on Shabbos and Yomtov, is it relegated to Mincha? [2]
  3. Now that the Shul have Kabolas Shabbos early, a man living alone has to choose between lighting Shabbos candles at home after Plag haMincha, or being in Shul in time for Kabolas Shabbos.  Which has priority?[3]
  4. The 10th man left the room before Kaddish before Shmone Esrei of Maariv. Should that Kaddish still be said now? [4]
  5. Should one seeing HM King Charles III recite the brocho שנתן מכבודו לבשר ודם?[5]
  6. A Jewish woman’s biological father was an Italian Catholic. As per his wishes, after he died he was cremated. May she attend the memorial service, to be held in a church?[6]
  7. During Krias HaTorah, a damaged letter was noticed. Does the reading stop short or should we complete until Sheini or similar, and then switch ST?[7]
  8. We removed a chimney stack. Do the concerns re. blocking a window apply to a chimney too?[8]
  9. We have several female students with us for Friday evening, some of which have never lit a Shabbos candle before. For us to all recite the brocho together will involve a delay. Is that a problem? [9]
  10. Why, in שלום עליכם, do we begin with מלאכי השרת but continue with מלאכי השלום? [10]
  11. The screen between the men’s and the ladies’ section is held in place with bolts. May this be lifted and replaced on Shabbos?[11] 
  12. Feedback on placing an article {found on oneself when walking in the street on Shabbos} upon a מקום פטור:

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  1. [1] שו”ת שבט הלוי ח”ב סי’ קנו.
  2. [2] ראה ס’ נתיב בינה כרך א ע’ 360; כרך ב’ ע’ 280.
  3. [3]
  4. [4] ראה שו”ע אדה”ז סי’ נה ס”ד.
  5. [5]  ראה מגן אברהם סי’ רכ סק”ד; שו”ת שבט הלוי ח”ב סי’ לה; פסקי תשובות סי’ רכד אות ו.
  6. [6] ראה שו”ע יו”ד סי’ קנז ס”ג; סי’ קמט ס”ב ברמ”א.
  7. [7] ראה או”ח סי’ קמג ס”ד; שו”ת צמח צדק או”ח בהוספות (סי’ עו); נתיבים בשדה השליחות ח”א פ”ד.
  8. [8] ראה ס’ שמירת הגוף והנפש ח”ב סי’ רכ ס”ט.
  9. [9] ראה שוע”ר סי’ רסג ס”ח.
  10. [10] ס’ חסדי אבות (רי”מ פישלר מפרעמישלאן) שבת קיט.
  11. [11] ראה שוע”ר סי’ שיג.

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