Reb Shmerel’s Soulful Voice Is Still Heard Decades Later

Reb Shmaryohu (Shmerel) Feldman of Klimovitch and Kfar Chabad, a vareme ba’al menagen and ba’al tefillah, passed away on Lag Ba’Omer, 5759/1999.

By staff

Known far and wide as a menagen and baal tefillah extraordinaire, his versions of niggunim are considered the gold standard in Chabad neginah. An additional kvetch or drei, a missing stanza, if you heard the nigun from him it was how it should be and how it was sung by chassidim of old.

Although not officially a mashpia or shliach, Reb Shmerel would spend time using his talents at Arvei Chabad, events of song, concerts, that were made by Chabad in Eretz Yisroel in non-frum kibbutzim and areas. These events were made to bring the warmth and joy of Yiddishkeit and Chassidus to the unaffiliated.

A short while after his passing, a double-CD was released of him singing Niggunei Chabad.

We bring you two niggunim from Klimovitch plus one sung in the Ukranian language sung by Reb Shmerel.

ניגון שמח ר’ מרדכי פויזנער
ניגון התוועדות לר’ מרדכי פויזנער
ניגון עי מוזשא


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