Project Likkutei Torah Director Is Out of Danger

Rabbi Yaakov Cahanman, director of Project Likkutei Torah, is out of danger after experiencing a serious accident. Please continue to daven for him.

Update on Reb Yaakov Cahanman (director of Project Likkutei Torah), who underwent a serious accident a week and a half ago:

Baruch Hashem, and together with the merit of everyone’s davening and hachlatos, Reb Yaakov Cahanman is out of danger and starting recovery!

Please continue to have in mind יעקב מנחם הכהן בן צייטל חנה when saying Tehillim, especially kapital 20 and 32.

In addition, a Mitzvah campaign has been launched in his merit, please consider taking a hachlata, in particular in adding in learning Likkutei Torah:


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