Preparations Begin for New Vaad Hakohol Elections

After 14 years, preparations are underway for elections for a new Vaad Hakohol. The rabbonim of the Crown Heights Beis Din have issued a letter supporting the elections and outline its process.

By reporter

A little over two months ago, news broke out that elections are being planned for a new vaad hakahal and a third rov for the Beis Din. Following that announcement, a meeting was held with representatives of Crown Heights Shuls to plan the elections of a new Board of Directors for Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and Vaad Hakohol Deshchunas Crown Heights.

The initial meeting was led by: Chairman of Vaad Hakohol of 14 years Mr. Zaki Tamir, Harav Avrohom Osdoba, Harav Yosef Braun, CHJCC Executive Director Rabbi Eli Cohen, Rabbi Michoel Chazan, and Mr. Yudi Gruenberg. Shul representatives were also given the opportunity to voice their opinions on the elections.

In a recent development, the Crown Heights Beis Din released a letter supporting an election for a new Vaad Hakahal and outlining how it should be done. This would be the first time in fourteen years that Crown Heights would be hosting a Vaad Hakahal election.

The rabbonim highlight the need for the elections to follow the bylaws and for questions to be brought before the Beis Din as per the bylaws. They add that they would consider changes to the bylaws as needed.

The following is the full text of the letter:

To the Residents of Crown Heights:

We have been asked by representatives of the shuls of Crown Heights who met together over the past few months – in the absence of a formally constituted group of Netzigim as described in the bylaws of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and with it being 14 years since the last election was held – whether they may organize an election for Directors of the Council and the Vaad Hakahal.

They have also asked whether they have the authority to make certain changes in the rules for conducting an election that are necessary to address changes in the community. The Bylaws of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council make it clear that: Any question which shall arise as the interpretation of these Bylaws shall be decided by the Beth Din of Crown Heights. Any question as to whether any action of the Council, its Board of Directors, committees, members, employees, or any other person or organizations performing such actions on behalf of the Council, is appropriate, or whether it is in accordance with these Bylaws or with the Torah and Shulchan Orach shall be decided by the Beth Din of Crown Heights.

We understand that there have been several attempts to revive and reconstitute the Netzigim but that so far these efforts have not been successful. The result is that the current members of the Vaad Hakahal have been in office for 14 years. We agree that the elections should not be further delayed. We hereby encourage the committees that have been established to continue their work and to conduct an election as soon as possible.

The election procedures should adhere as closely to the bylaws as possible, but we will approve necessary changes that are required for a successful election. This answer is only with regard to the election for Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and Vaad Hakohol at this time.

We call on the residents of Crown Heights to come out and vote in the election and to help build the neighborhood of Crown Heights, כאן צוה ה’ את הברכה. We also remind everyone participating in the election, as organizers, candidates, and voters that the election should be conducted in a spirit of Ahavas and Achdus Yisrael.

With blessing,

Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba
Rabbi Yosef Braun

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  1. Was the Rabbonim later originally written in hebrew and then translated to English?
    If yes can someone please post the original Hebrew letter?

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