Will There be a Third Rov in Crown Heights Soon?

Photo: Shneur Mor Yosef/Anash.org

Anash.org has exclusively learned that plans are being finalized for elections for Vaad Hakohol followed by an election for the third rov of Crown Heights.

By Anash.org reporter

Four years after the passing of Harav Aharon Yaakov Schwei, the long awaited election for the third rov of Crown Heights community, might finally be underway.

On Tuesday evening, Netzigim from Crown Heights shuls met as the first step towards arranging elections for new directors of Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and Vaad Hakohol.

The Vaad Hakohol last held elections in 5769 when current members of the vaad hakohol Zaki Tamir, Yossi Hackner and Fishel Brownstein were elected to a three year term.

According to unconfirmed reports, plans are being finalized to hold an election later this year after the yomtov of shavuos. A previous attempt to hold election in 5781 ended in failure.

Anash.org has exclusively learned that under the current scheme, plans are being finalized to hold a community-wide election for a third rov of Crown Heights, immediately following the vaad hakohol elections. Currently, the Beis Din is being led by Harav Avorhom Osdoba and Harav Yosef Braun.

The Crown Heights community has been left without a third rov after the tragic passing of Harav Aharon Yaakov Schwei on Lamed Nissan 5780. Harav Schwei joined the beis din after the passing of Harav Yehuda Kalman Marlow.

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    1. Harav Gedalya Oberlander of Kingston, PA & Monsey, NY
      Harav Baruch Hertz of Chicago, IL
      Harav Yisroel Noach Raichick of LA, CA
      Harav Nachmon Yosef Twersky of CH, NY
      Harav Yekusial Farkash Yerushlayim, EY
      Harav Yitzchok Raitport CH-BP, NY
      Harav Tzvi Telzner Melbourne AU

      1. Interesting list. I know from past elections some of them were on the list but declined, due to the pressures etc. but yes definitely a nice list. Glad to see most of them non CH’ers it’s important !! TY

        1. Yes, someone from the outside is fresh and clean, as was done in the past with Harav Braun which is (was) also a outsider & BH has had much success

  1. I would add Harav Shmuel Chaim Bluming which is from CH and is already in Rabbanus for years (and has a lot of family experience which helps a lot)

  2. full disclosure I live in Kingstone PA (but grew up in the Shchunah)

    I can attest to rabbi oberlander he would be a great Rav (not saying anything about anyone else just sharing our great experience with harav oberlander)

  3. Once elected does the Rav have life tenure.
    Which entity determines the salary and which entity has the responsibility to pay said salary.
    Do the 2 present Rabbonim have an official status in relation to the Shul of 770

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