
Arsons Set Fire to Shul in Obninsk, Russia

The Jewish community in Obninsk, Russia was shaken after vandals set fire to their local shul. The attack, which targeted the shul’s electrical room, caused significant damage but thankfully resulted in no injuries.


Baby Girl
ט׳ תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 14, 2024

Baby Boy
ט׳ תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 14, 2024

Unique Manuscripts Showcased at JEM’s Gimmel Tamuz Event

On Gimmel Tammuz, members and supporters of the JEM Foundation gathered to celebrate and support its pioneering work. Before the main program, a group of guests were treated to an exclusive pre-event, showcasing original, handwritten edits made by the Rebbe on different publications.


Florida Boys Excel in Farher with Miami Rosh Yeshiva

At the end of the school year, boys from Coral Springs, Florida, who mastered some or all of a Masechta Gemara were farherred by Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami, who was impressed by their level of learning.



Hundreds Marked Gimmel Tammuz at Bais Menachem of Boro Park

On Tuesday night, Gimmel Tammuz, hundreds filled Bais Menachem of Boro Park for a farbrengen with Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg, Rosh Yeshiva in Kfar Chabad. A video was shown of Reb Moshe Wolfson‘s visits to the Rebbe and a sale was held on the Rebbe’s seforim.


‘Global Initiatives’ Make Us Feel Like We’re Changing the World

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: “You can change the whole world,” can lead us to think that our focus in life should be global initiatives. “Don’t concern yourselves with the entire world!” the Rebbe once screamed. A Yid’s responsibility is to follow what Hashem says, and that’s the way to make a true global difference.


Why a Chossid Should Hang in the Rebbe’s Window Display

Not a common jokester as some imagine, Reb Shmuel Munkes was one of the towering chassidim of the Alter Rebbe who often used jest to communicate profound ideas. Suspending himself in front of the Rebbe’s home, he taught an important lesson.


From Telephone to Digital: Introducing the Revolutionary Chassidus App

Imagine a world where you could make it to every Chassidus Shiur that you wished to attend. Imagine there were no logistical challenges by Lubavitch’s best mashpiim being spread throughout the globe. Imagine there were no obstacles in between you and tens of thousands of hours of Chassidus shiurim. 


Boston Communities Join Inspiring Event with London Mechanech

Over 200 men and women from 28 Chabad centers gathered at Beth Menachem Chabad of Newton, MA, for a Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen featuring Rabbi Shmuel Lew from London as a guest speaker. The formal event was followed by a farbrengen with the shluchim and anash.


Learning Torah at the Swimming Pool? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including speaking after Hamapil, onions in a salad overnight, and learning at the swimming pool.


Mrs. Sima Rivka (Susan) Jaffe, AH

Mrs. Sima Rivka (Susan) Jaffe, the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family and a leading member of the Chabad community in Manchester, UK, passed away.


The Rebbe’s English Letters on Utilizing Positions of Influence

The Rebbe encouraged every individual to spread Torah and Mitzvos, especially those in distinct positions of influence. This week, we present several letters written by the Rebbe to individuals in various public positions, encouraging them to view their influence as an opportunity to spread Yiddishkeit.

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