North American Mesivtas To Join For A ‘Moshiach Chidon’

Over the next weeks, bochurim in Chabad Mesivtas will be spending their free time studying subjects about Moshiach, culminating with a Chidon competition between the top achievers.

Once again Bochurim from across north American Yeshivos to unite for the annual ‘Moshiach Chidon’.

For more than thirty years, ever since the Rebbe called upon all Yidden to greet Moshiach through learning Inyanei Geula Umoshiach, Chassidim, and especially Bochurim would designate time from their busy day to adhere the Rebbe’s call. Many great learning programs were created, but despite all that was done, a clear broad knowledge of Geulah Umoshiach was missing.

To fill this void, last year, a group of Shluchim in several Yeshivos got together and created the ‘Moshiach Chidon’, and with last year’s success etched in their minds, the organizers are proud to announce that a new engaging and easy-read curriculum is being prepared, discussing in detail the Rambam’s view on Moshiach, based on the final 2 chapters in the Rambam, enlightened by the Rebbe’s teachings.

Starting in a few weeks, bochurim from across North America, will begin to learn and memorize the curriculum, pass tests, with a suspenseful Chidon competition between the top 10 bochurim.

In addition, sets of Seforim including a set of Toras Menachem, Likkutei Sichos, Igros Kodesh, and much more will be raffled off between all Bochurim that pass the tests.

“We are confident that this comprehensive learning Inyanei Geula Umoshiach together with the Achdus between all Yeshivos, will surely Give the Rebbe tremendous Nachas, and will bring the Hisgalus of Moshiach now,” organizers said.

For more info or to register your yeshiva email [email protected]

Watch: Replay of last year’s Chidon:

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