Newly Uncovered Letters Show the Story of Rebbetzin Chana’s Visa

Newly uncovered letters record the correspondence on the effort to obtain an entry visa into the United States for the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana.

Presented for the first time is a series of correspondence on the effort to obtain an entry visa into the United States for the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana.

In effort of obtaining the visa Mr. Samuel Kramer who served as legal counsel to Agudas Chasidei Chabad and was a big financial supporter of Chabad turned – on behalf of the Rebbe – to Congressman Mr. Sol Bloom to help in the matter.

After her husband’s passing, the Rebbe invested much effort in rescuing his mother (Rebbetzin Chana) from Russia and bringing her to the US or Eretz Yisrael. At the onset, the Rebbe attempted to work through official channels to receive permission for his mother to leave the Iron Curtain. With a
visa, the chances of Russia granting her an exit visa were much higher. However, due to the slow-moving process of the Visa department (see lgros Kodesh, vol. 2, letter 217 (p. 111), only after she had escaped the Soviet Union was the Rebbe successful in obtaining a visa (see also telegram from 23, Adar, 5707 and following letter).

For more information on the Rebbe’s efforts to bring his mother to America see: Yemei Melech, vol. 2, pp. 859.; Toldos Levi Yitzchak, vol. 3, pp. 292ff; Igros Kodesh, vol. 2, letters 217, 226, 230, 241, 265 (pp. 11, 125-126, 131, 159, 196-197); Igros Kodesh, vol. 21, letter 6805, 6,806 (pp. 57-58). See also telegrams on the Rebbe Responsa app from the year 5707. (Source: RebbeResponsa).

The letter of the Rebbe has been previously published in “America First: The Story of Sol Bloom, the Most Powerful Jew in Congress During the Holocaust” by Eliot Resnick.

Special thanks to Fax-A-Sicha for sharing these documents.


New York,18, N.Y.
March 24, 1947.

Mr. Samuel Kramer,
122 East 42nd Street,
New York City

My dear Mr. Kramer:

Complying with your telephone request we take pleasure in enclosing herewith Congressman Bloom’s recommendation to the American Consul General at Paris, in behalf of Rabbi Mendel Schneerson.

We are glad to be of service any time the occasion arises.

Faithfully yours,


New York,18, N.Y.
March 24, 1947

American Consul General,
American consulate,
Paris, France.


This will serve to introduce Rabbi Mendel Schneersohn, American citizen, who is interested in obtaining preference quota immigration visa for his mother, Mrs. Chana Schneersohn, to enable her to Journey with him, on his return to the United States.

Rabbi Schneersohn is a distinctive member of the hierarchy oh the world famous Schneersohn religious group.

I will appreciate any courtesies or assistance extended to Rabbi Schneersohn and thank you in advance.

Faithfully yours,

March 25, 1947

Miss B. Flegelman
Secretary, Cong. Sol Bloom
1451 Broadway
New York, N. Y.

Dear Miss Flegelman,

Re: Rabbi M. Schneersohn

Thank you very much for your prompt compliance with my request for a letter from Cong. Sol Bloom in behalf of Rabbi Mendel Schneersohn. Your “production” record is 100%.

With kindest regards,

Sincerely yours,



Paris, France
April 14, 1947

In reply refer to:
811.11 – Schneersohn, Chana

My dear congressman Bloom:

I have your letter of March 24, 1947 concerning your interest in the admission into the United States of Mrs. Chana Schneersohn, the mother of Rabbi Mendel Schneersohn, 346 New York Avenue, New York.

An approved relation petition, executed by Rabbi Schneersohn and granting first preference under the quota to his mother, was received by the Embassy on February 6, 1947 and Mrs. Schneersohn was so advised.
When she has presented the necessary documents in support of her visa application and they have been found satisfactory, she will be given an appointment for the execution of her formal application.

Please be assured that Mrs. Schneersohn’s application for a visa will be accorded every consideration consistent with immigration laws and regulations.

Sincerely yours,

Hugh S. Fullerton
American Consul General

The Honorable
Sol Bloom
1451 Broadway,
New York 18, New York.

New York,18, N.Y.
April 30, 1947.

My dear Mr. Kramer,

Enclosed find a copy of self-explanatory report received from the American Consul General at Paris, in reply to my recommendation of Mrs. Chana Schneerson, mother of Rabbi Mendel Schneersohn, in whose case you expressed interest.

With best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,

Mr. Samuel Kramer,
122 East 42nd Street,
New York City

Kramer & Kaprow Attorneys at Law
New York 17, N. Y.

May 1st, 1947

Congressman Sol Bloom,
1451 Broadway,
New York 18, N. Y.

Dear Congressman: –

Thank you very much for your letter of April 30th, with the enclosed copy of letter from the American Consul General, which I have forwarded to Rabbi Kazarnovsky for Rabbi Schneersohn.

Sincerely yours,

Samuel Kramer

The Rebbe’s letter

ב”ה July  21, 1947

The Honorable
Congressman Sol Bloom,
1451 Broadway,
New York 18, N. Y.

My dear congressman Bloom:

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind cooperation in the matter of the visa application of my dear mother, Mrs. Chana Schneerson, who is now safely with me.

Your personal interest and assistance in this matter is gratefully appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

M. Schneerson

Chairman, Executive Committee.


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