Following the publicity of the longtime Lubavitch stance regarding eruvin in large cities, one reader shared a more comprehensive list including signatures by other prominent Lubavitcher Rabbonim against constructing or using an eruv in Brooklyn.
By writer
Following the article on regarding the longtime Lubavitch position against eruvin in large cities, including a public notice from 1979 signed by several famous Lubavitcher Rabbonim, an reader shared with us a similar notice with signatures of other prominent Lubavitcher Rabbonim.
The notice, which appeared at the time in the Jewish Press, is signed by 73 leading Rabbonim, including famous names such as Harav Moshe Feinstein, Harav Simcha Elberg, and the Rebbes of Bobov, Satmar and Pupa.
In their public letter, they state their unequivocal opposition to create or use an eruv in Brooklyn: “We hereby declare publicly that it is forbidden to set up an Eruv in any neighborhood of New York or Brooklyn without exception. Even if an Eruv is set up, it will be forbidden for adults and children alike to carry within it.”
Of special interest to Lubavitch readers are the signatures of prominent Lubavitcher Rabbonim. Aside from Harav Zalman Shimon Dworkin, Harav Pinchas Hirshprung, and Harav Meir Greenberg, whose names appeared on the previous notice, the new letter includes other acting Rabbonim at the time:
Harav Chaim Meir Bukiet – Rov of Oneg Shabbos in East Flatbush, Chairman of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch (Central Committee of Lubavitch Rabbonim), and Rosh Yeshiva of Lubavitcher Yeshiva.
Harav Yitzchok Ber Ushpol – Rov of Anshei Lubavitch of Boro Park, member of Aguch and director of the Lubavitch Chevra Kadisha.
Harav Shlomo Aron Kazarnovsky – Rov and famous chossid of three Rebbeim, member of the boards of Merkos, Machene, and Aguch, and a Rov in Bensonhurst.
Also, interesting to point out, the names of other Rabbonim who signed, who although were not Lubavitcher Rabbonim per se, shared a close kesher with the Rebbe:
Harav Mordechai Harlig – the father of Mashbak Reb Meir Harlig, Harav Mordechai was close to the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe, and merited special kiruvim from the Rebbe. He served as a rov in the Bronx, until his final years when he lived in Crown Heights.
Harav Efraim Eliezer Yolles – Rov and Chief Rabbi of Philadelphia and head of the Agudas Horabbonim, Harav Yolles was a fervent follower of the Rebbe and merited a very special connection with the Rebbe.
Harav Chaim Tzvi Kreiger – a phenomenal rov and posek who lived in Crown Heights for many years where he answered shailos and gave semicha. He had a close connection and correspondence with the Rebbe, who even apologized for not being able to attend his son’s bar mitzvah.
The following is the full text of the notice:
We regretfully bring this matter to the attention of all G-d Fearing Jewish residents of Flatbush, lest our silence be mistaken for acquiescence.
The “ERUV-PLAN” for Flatbush by certain rabbis and laymen is invalid. This is the p’sak (Halachic Ruling) of every recognized responsible Rabbinical Authority in New York.
Whoever contributes to this Eruv will be contributing to the public desecration of the holy Shabbos.
Woe unto us that before our very eyes orthodox Jews would profane the Shabbos Kodesh for personal convenience!
The following is a translation of essential excerpts from a letter by HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Shlita, the acknowledged Posek HaDor, addressed to the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush:
“I had previously explained orally why it is forbidden to establish an Eruv in Brooklyn, even in a part of it such as Flatbush. Therefore it is public domain by Torah definition and it is strictly forbidden to make an Eruv.”
Moshe Feinstein
The following injunction has been signed by the Rabbonim listed below:
We hereby declare publicly that it is forbidden to set up an Eruv in any neighborhood of New York or Brooklyn without exception. Even if an Eruv is set up, it will be forbidden to adults and children alike to carry within it.
Moshe Feinstein
Shmuel Ehrenfeld
Yisroel Shapiro
Shlomo Halberstam
Naftoli H. Hoenig
Moshe Bick
Yosef Grunwald
Moshe Teitelbaum
Moshe Stern
Zalman Shimon Dworkin
Y. Ber Rotenberg
Ezriel Lebovits
Adas Yereim
Yisroel C. Menashe Friedman
Satmar Dayan
Simcha Elberg
Agudas Harabbanim
Tuvia Meir Ginsberg
Menahel Agudas Harobonim
Gedalla Schorr
Rosh Yeshiva, Torah Vodaas
Shraga Moshe Kalmanowitz
Rosh Yeshiva, Mir
Tuvia Goldstein
Rosh Yeshiva, Emek Halacha
Chaim Tzvi Kreiger
Yecheskel Landau
Yaakov S. Kassin
Chief Rabbi of Syrian Comm.
Shimon Schwab
Adask Yeshurun, Washington Heights
Aron Zlotowitz
Aron Kazarnovsky
Moshe Rottenberg
Rosh Yeshiva, Gur
Avigdor Miller
Shlomo Friedman
Shlomo Z. Braun
Ephraim Oshry
New York City
Yitzchok Liebes
Aaron Y. Shapiro
Torah Vodaas
Moshe Halevi Shulman
Chaim Yitzchok Pupko
Shloma Zalman Horowitz
New York City
Lipa Teitelbaum
Grainom Lazewnik
Khal Shomrel Daas
Yosef Leifer
Shaul Goldman
Rosh Yeshiva, Bais Aaron
David S. Spector
Chaim Meir Bukiet
Menachem Manis Mandel
Yeshiva of Brooklyn
Lipa Margulies
Torah Temimah
Yaakov Kopel Pasternak
Ahavas Achim
Dovid Kviat
Agudas Yisrael
Yitzchok Ber Ushpol
Dovid Singer
Anshei Sfard
Sholem Flam
Osher Katzman
Shimshon Brodsky
Simcha J. Weissman
Young Israel
Hillel David
Yeshiva Shaarel Torah
Chaim Benoliel
Rosh Yeshiva, Mikdash Melech
Yosef Harari-Raful
Yosef Rosenbaum
Khal Ginzei Yosef
Aaron Zuckerman
Audas Yisroel, Flatbush
Yaakov Yitzchok Spiegel
Mordechai Harlig
Yosef Katzenstein
Yisroel Gornish
Yisroel Belsky
Yitzchok Yaakov Rabinowicz
Khal Darcha Tshuva Munkatsh
Yitzchok Meir Schorr
Torah Vodaas Minyou
Yosef Chaim Moskowitz
Khal Das Shalom-Shutz
Yisroel Dovid Taub
The following out of town Rabbonim of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of America have also signed an injunction prohibiting the establishment of Eruvin New York and all other cities throughout the United States (where similar halachic conditions exist):
Eliezer Levin
Yehuda Dovid Goldman
Efraim Eliezer Yolles
Meir Greenberg
Paterson N.J
Aaron Solovechik
Aryeh Lelb Spitz
Irvington, N.J.
Pinchas Hirschprung
Boruch Leizerowsky
Chaim Kreiswirth
Antwerp, Belgium
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