Pomona Hosts Halacha Series

By Anash.org reporter

Tens of yungeleit joined together for two shiurim in Pomona for what is now the third series of practical halachos shiurim organized by the Igud Avreichim – Lubavitch of Monsey. The shiurim took place on Wednesdays 28 Tammuz and 6 Av.

This series was entitled “A Clear and Practical Review of Hilchos Yichud,” and was divided into two parts: the first was a general overview of the halachos, and the second focused on specific scenarios and questions. Many very common scenarios we discussed and brought to light, some of which are often overlooked by even the scrupulous of people.

Like the previous two series, these shiurim were delivered by Rav Gedalia Oberlander, rov of Heichel Menachem in Monsey and member of the Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch. A kovetz of practical halachos was distributed after the second shiur. (See attachment below).

After the second shiur a siyum mesechta was made by Rabbi Shloimy Kagan.

We bring you audio recordings of both shiurim:

Part I – 28 Tammuz
Part II – 6 Av

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