After news of a monumental Chassidus project was reported on, an overwhelming response led the editors to release the first installment for free, exclusively for readers.
By staff
News of the launch of Chassidus Mevueres Tanya in English, as announced on, excited teachers and students of Chassidus alike. Recognizing that the project would mark a new stage in hafatzas hamayanos, many expressed their anticipation for the first perokim to be published.
Due to the overwhelming response, Heichel Menachem and are proud to present the first installment, Perek 32, for free download. Readers are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity, to print and distribute the booklet, as well as to send any feedback to the editors in order to enhance the final product even more.
Under the visionary leadership of Rabbi Yaakov Leib Altein, the Hebrew volumes of Chassidus Mevu’eres on Tanya have been received with great enthusiasm and wide acclaim. Clear and flowing explanations, together with deep insights, have opened the gates of Chassidus even to the uninitiated, and provides seasoned scholars with an encyclopedic window into the depth and breadth that lies behind each word penned by the Alter Rebbe.
The immense success of the Hebrew edition has inspired an ever-growing demand for the very same material to be made accessible in English. After much effort, Heichal Menachem has finally launched the first segment in this monumental new project.
“We hope to bring the sweet teachings of Chabad Chassidus, in their full depth and breadth, to all English readers who seek illumination for the mind and inspiration for the heart,” they said.
Chassidus Mevu’eres in English follows the basic template of the Hebrew edition. A line-by-line commentary explains and clarifies the simple meaning of the text. Alongside the main commentary, deeply researched footnotes delve into additional dimensions, yielding more profound insights. Even with all the many rich details, it doesn’t lose sight of the larger picture; the Tanya is a systematic work, and each element is in harmony with the whole.
Notably, this is not simply a translation of the Hebrew edition. The English readership is a distinct and unique audience, and a great deal of thought has been given to presenting the material anew.
“The new publication represents the beginning of a new era in the dissemination of the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, as explained and illuminated by the Alter Rebbe. We hope our efforts will hasten the coming of Moshiach and the fulfillment of the promise: “No longer shall one person teach their friend… saying, ‘Know Hashem.’ Because they will all know Me” (Yirmiyahu 31:33),” the editors said.
Have any feedback, suggestions questions or critique about the new project? Please fill out this questionnaire, or email
Click here to download Perek 32 Tanya with Chassidus Mevueres in reading format.
Click here to download in print format.
This is incredible. May HaRav Leibel Altein have many long, healthy years.