Live: Yudi Dukes Birthday Farbrengen

Join Live at 8:00 PM ET: A global Zoom farbrengen will be held in honor of the birthday of JNet director Rabbi Yudi Dukes, with friends, family and acquaintances joining from around the world to wish him well.

By reporter

A global Zoom farbrengen will be held on Wednesday night in honor of the birthday of JNet director Rabbi Yudi Dukes, who turned 39 today, 23 Kislev.

The farbrengen is being arranged by his co-workers from Merkos 302, and they are inviting chassidim and shluchim from around the world to join, say l’chaim, farbreng, and wish Yudi a refuah shleima.

Yudi was recently released from the hospital after 241 of hospitalization with a severe case of COVID-19, one of the longest coronavirus cases in the world. Throughout it all, thousands around the world davened, learned and did mitzvos in his merit.

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