Notwithstanding Yosef’s greatness, he was not fit to run a Yeshiva. A Yeshiva must be led by those who have only one occupation: Torah. Even someone performing at the level of Yosef Hatzadik, is not fit to lead a Yeshiva properly if he has other occupations.
By Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier – The Beis Medrash
Before Yaakov Avinu descended to Mitzrayim with his family he sent his son Yehuda to establish a Yeshiva.
Why didn’t he ask Yosef to establish the Yeshiva? He certainly had the material means, and he also studied Torah himself and taught his two sons.
Yosef was actually exceptional from amongst the Avos and the other shevatim. Chassidus explains that his neshamah was so special that even while engaged in mundane activities such as business, he was still at the level of the highest tzadikim. The other brothers weren’t capable of this. To remain at their spiritual level they had to isolate themselves from the material world, which is why they chose to be shepherds.
Yet, notwithstanding Yosef’s greatness, he was not fit to run a Yeshiva. A Yeshiva must be led by those who have only one occupation: Torah. Even someone performing at the level of Yosef Hatzadik, is not fit to lead a Yeshiva properly if he has other occupations.[1]
Today we are baruch Hashem blessed with many businessmen who chose to give selflessly of their own time to our yeshivos. How wonderful it is to free up the mechanchim so they can focus on areas pertaining to chinuch and Torah while the businessman and askanim take care of the finances and other non-chinuch-related decisions. (And a boon, of course, when the businessmen are ehrlich and Torahdig, like Yosef hatzadik.)
Our hearts and minds are with Eretz Yisroel, and there’s a similar lesson to be applied to the situation there as well.
The Rebbe emphasized many times that questions of safety and security of Eretz Yisroel must be decided by military experts and not politicians. The repercussions of all the past political decisions are, R”l, now clear to see.
May Hashem protect all our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel and may we all enjoy Yiddishe, chassidishe nachas from all our children.
[1] See Likutei Sichos vol 3 pg. 827
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Chinuch is the parents’ responsibility. They are empowered to be mechanech their children.
Teaching Torah is a specialty in which Yehuda was an expert, rather than Yosef.
The title of this piece is NOT a true statement!!!
Chinuch is about transmitting Torah thinking and values. And that, the Rebbe says, is best done by someone who is completely immersed in it. A person who is involved in the world starts to think “pragmatically” and does not convey pure, unadulterated Torah thinking.
That of course doesn’t mean that every teacher has and conveys those values. Mosdos should be guided and directed by those who are purely motivated and guided by Torah.
you’re both right!