Levaya for R’ Dovid Mishulovin Held in Los Angeles

The levaya of R’ Dovid Mishulovin, a respected elderly chossid who displayed mesiras nefesh in Soviet Russia, and later served as a chassidisher melamed and sofer in Eretz Yisroel and Los Angeles, was held on Wednesday in Los Angeles, California.

The levaya of R’ Dovid Mishulovin, a respected elderly chossid who displayed mesiras nefesh in Soviet Russia, and later served as a chassidisher melamed and sofer in Eretz Yisroel and Los Angeles, was held on Wednesday in Los Angeles, California.

The levaya passed by the campus of Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad, where Reb Dovid davened for decades and led many small, intimate farbrengens with bochurim. In tribute to his contribution to the yeshiva, which had benefited from seeing a living example of a true chassidishe yid, the entire yeshiva faculty and student body came out to join the levaya.

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