Leah Althaus, 28, AH

Mrs. Leah Althaus, a young shlucha from Dnipro, Ukraine, and the daughter of the Rov of Kfar Chabad, Harav Meir Ashkenazi, passed away after a sudden illness.

Mrs. Leah Althaus, a young shlucha from Dnipro, Ukraine, passed away after a sudden illness. She was the daughter of the Rov of Kfar Chabad, Harav Meir Ashkenazi, and daughter-in-law of Rabbi Pinchas Althaus of Chulon.

She was 28 years old.

Shortly after her wedding in 2016, Leah, along with her husband, Rabbi Zelig Althaus, traveled as shluchim of the Rebbe to Dnipro, Ukraine. Her husband serves as a mashpia at the local Mesivta, and they resided in the yeshiva complex.

A few weeks ago, Leah suffered a severe cardiac episode in Dnipro and was flown to Eretz Yisroel in critical condition. Sadly, she passed away this morning at Tel Hashomer Hospital, surrounded by her loving family, and the countless Chabad Chassidim who had fervently davened for her recovery.

She is survived by her husband, Rabbi Zelig Althaus, their four children, and her grandparents – Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Meir Druckman, Rov of Kiryat Motzkin, and Rebbetzin Sima Ashkenazi of Kfar Chabad.

After a heartbreaking funeral in Kfar Chabad, she was laid to rest in the Achiezer cemetery.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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