Kashrus Expert Lectures at Pomona Kollel

Kollel Anash of Monsey, which recently entered its second year, broadened its horizons when it hosted Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka, senior rabbinic coordinator at OK Kosher, to deliver a shiur on kashrus.

By Anash.org reporter

Kollel Anash of Monsey, which recently entered its second year, broadened its horizons when it hosted Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka, senior rabbinic coordinator at OK Kosher, to deliver a shiur on kashrus.

The Kollel takes place twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday evenings. An hour is spent learning in-depth topics in both Halacha and Chassidus, accompanied by introductory Shiurim. In addition, guest magidei shiurim are invited to deliver special shiurim on interesting topics.

Until now, the kollel tapped into local talent by inviting local rabbonim and talmidei chachomim to enlighten the crowd. Now, in their second year, they are reaching further.

“Boruch Hashem, the kollel has grown tremendously,” director Rabbi Levi Teichtel told Anash.org. “We are happy to start bringing in experts from out of town to speak to our kollel participants.”

Rabbi Hanoka, who is known for his extensive and practical knowledge of kashrus, spoke about the in and outs of Pas Yisroel. Future shiurim will address questions regarding to Bishul and Cholov Yisroel.



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