Help Take Derher to the Next Level

It costs a small fortune to produce the monthly Derher magazine, the Derher for Kids episodes, the Derher book and the Derher index. Your support is needed to take Derher to the next level.

Derher has experienced a remarkable 60 hours with its Bring More Yidden To The Rebbe campaign!

It costs a small fortune to produce the monthly Derher magazine, the Derher for Kids episodes, the Derher book and the Derher index.

Magazine subscriptions offset just some of the costs. 

Derher for Kids is made available completely FREE of CHARGE.

Your support is needed to take Derher to the next level, to keep up with your inspiration needs.

So many Yidden have joined with gifts. Beautiful gifts from the heart accompanied by words of encouragement and support for bigger and better.

Thank you to everyone who already gave!!! You have a great merit!

Have you not given to this campaign yet? Now is the time! And here is the link

Have you given already and you are considering an additional gift?  Now is the time! And here is the link

The campaign ends tonight and your generous support will keep the flow of inspiration coming your way.


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