Heartful Grammen Salute The Study of Rambam

Songwriter and performer Motty Illowitz composed a series of heartfelt grammen to known tunes and performed it at the grand Siyum Harambam in Boro Park this past week.

Motty Illowitz wrote a special piece of poetry and performed it live on Sunday, Apr. 23, in Boro Park, Brooklyn, at a gathering of hundreds who came together to commemorate the siyum of studying the entire Rambam.

The performance was done ‘acapella’ style, with the ‘Yedidim choir’, without the accompaniment of musical instruments. This is especially noteworthy given that it took place during the period of Sefirat HaOmer, a time when traditional Jewish custom discourages the playing of live music as a sign of mourning.

The Rambam is one of the greatest Jewish scholars and thinkers of all time. He was instrumental in developing the Mishnah Torah, a comprehensive code of Jewish law that has become a cornerstone of Jewish practice. Furthermore, the Rambam was a physician and philosopher as well as a religious leader. His insights into medicine and science were groundbreaking for his time, and his philosophical works continue to be studied by scholars of all backgrounds.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Rambam’s legacy is his commitment to clarity and accessibility. Despite the depth and complexity of his ideas, he was always striving to make them understandable and relevant to ordinary people.

It is indeed special that Jews from all over the world continue to study the Rambam’s teachings every day, as it represents a deep and abiding commitment to Jewish learning. It also serves as a reminder of the power of knowledge and learning to bring people together and foster a sense of community and connection.

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