Erev Yom Kippur Levaya Held for R’ Dovid Krasnjanski

The levaya of R’ Dovid Krasnjanski passed by 770 on Sunday, Erev Yom Kippur. Shiva will be held near the Ohel for a short amount of time. 

The levaya of R’ Dovid Krasnjanski passed by 770 on Sunday, Erev Yom Kippur.

He is survived by his wife Ettel, his children Mottel Krasnjanski – Melbourne, Australia; Itchel Krasnjanski – Honolulu, Hawaii; Ben Zion Krasnjanski – Manhattan, New York; Tzivia Friedman – Crown Heights; Moshe Krasnjanski – Montreal; Yossi Krasnjanski – Monsey, New York; Sara Rivkin – New Orleans, Louisiana; and Chanie Krasnjansky – Riverdale, New York.

He is also survived by his siblings Genya Tikotsky – Bnei Brak; and Yumtov Krasnianski – Bnei Brak.

The family will be sitting shiva at the Ohel for a brief period.

Shiva ends with Yom Kippur

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