R’ Dovid Krasnjanski, 88, AH

R’ Dovid Krasnjanski, who was advised by the Rebbe to serve as an engineer for the US Navy in Philadelphia, and who was known for his love of learning, passed away. Levaya and shiva on Erev Yom Kippur.

R’ Dovid Krasnjanski, who was advised by the Rebbe to serve as an engineer for the US Navy in Philadelphia, and who was known for his love of learning, passed away on Shabbos, 8 Tishrei, 5784.

He passed away one week before his 89th birthday.

Dovid was born on 16 Tishrei, 5695 in Kiev, Ukraine, a direct descendant of the Baal Shem Tov (ninth generation) from both his son Reb Tzvi and daughter Rebbetzin Udel.

He learned in the underground Chabad Cheder in Samarkand, the Yeshiva in Brunoy, and eventually came to America and married Ettel Charitonow, the granddaughter of R’ Aron Charitonow from Nikolayev.

After living in Crown Heights for many years, they were advised by the Rebbe to move to Philadelphia to continue his job as an engineer for the US Navy. For forty years, he was a pillar of the Lubavitch Center in Northeast Philadelphia, led by Rabbi Avremel Shemtov. They then lived for a few years in San Diego and had a huge impact on the community.

He was a tremendous talmid chacham and a dugma chaya for so many in his humble unassuming way. A model of a true chassid who carried himself with real and deep humility. A dedicated husband, father and grandfather through and through.

Torah was his life. He was never seen without a sefer, giving shiurim everywhere he went. His “retirement” was becoming the Rosh Kolel of Tiferes Zekeinim Levi Yitzchak in Crown Heights.

He passed on his love for learning to his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all who met him. His children and grandchildren are Shluchim of the Rebbe, literally all around the world, and credit their constant inspiration to their parents for their love of Torah and Yiddishkeit.

He is survived by his wife Ettel, his children Mottel Krasnjanski – Melbourne, Australia; Itchel Krasnjanski – Honolulu, Hawaii; Ben Zion Krasnjanski – Manhattan, New York; Tzivia Friedman – Crown Heights; Moshe Krasnjanski – Montreal; Yossi Krasnjanski – Monsey, New York; Sara Rivkin – New Orleans, Louisiana; and Chanie Krasnjansky – Riverdale, New York.

He is also survived by his siblings Genya Tikotsky – Bnei Brak; and Yumtov Krasnianski – Bnei Brak.

The levaya will be held Sunday, Erev Yom Kippur, passing 770 at 12:00 pm passing 770, and kevurah at 1:00 pm at Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens, followed by the family sitting shiva at the Ohel for a brief period.

Shiva ends with Yom Kippur

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  1. As an old neighbor in Philly I can say he was as close to to a Bainuni as we have. Every minute was leaning and spreading Torah. A true Hatznei Leches all his life. Raised a beautiful family and was a mentor to many. He davened many years in the Kolel Minyan where we enjoyed his Torah knowledge and his practical advise and wit. He will be missed by many.


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