Darchai Menachem Siyum Harambam Will Leave Lasting Impact

For the boys in the Darchai Menachem Mesivta, the 42nd Siyum HaRambam will be one that they will never forget. The program inspired a dozen boys to learn HaRambam for the first time.

For the boys in the Darchai Menachem Mesivta, the 42nd Siyum HaRambam will be one that they will never forget.

They were treated to a program that brought the history of the study of Rambam to life, included honest and sincere reflections on the challenges and perseverance that Rambam can demand, and ended with a moving story of the impact that Rambam can have. The dozen boys that committed to Limud HaRambam for the first time made clear how meaningful the experience was.

The Siyum was performed by the Mashpia of Darchai Mesivta, Rabbi Dovid Kahanov. Rabbi Kahanov was part of the Kvutza in Morocco that began Limud HaRambam and that helped launch the campaign, and he described those early days in vivid detail.

Haschalas HaRambam was done by Maggid Shiur Rabbi Yehuda Fenton. He reflected on the personal challenges that he had in beginning Rambam as a bochur, and the deep impact that the study has on his life as an adult. To close out the event, Maggid Shiur Rabbi Hillel Laufer shared a moving and amazing story of the brochos that he personally enjoyed from his Rambam study.

The speeches brought the study of Rambam to life, and the boys were happy to learn that their excitement could be turned to action. After the siyum it was announced that there would be a daily shiur in Rambam Perek Echod Layom, and many students spontaneously committed to joining that Shiur.

The boys look forward to participating in the essential Mivtza of the Rebbe, and to a time, 3 years from now, when they will be making siyumim of their own.

Darchai Menachem Mesivta is now accepting applications for the 5774 school year. Apply now darchaimenachem.com


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