Crown Heights Activists Endorse Eric Adams for Mayor

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

A group of Crown Heights community activist held a meet and greet with NYC Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams on Tuesday, throwing their support behind his bid for mayor.

By reporter
Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

A group of Crown Heights community activist held a meet and greet with NYC Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams on Tuesday, throwing their support behind his bid for mayor.

The event was hosted by Crown Heights businessman Menachem Light, and was attended by activists including Yaakov Berman, Avi Lesches, Chanina Sperlin, Shaya Gordon, Shloime Hecht, JJ Katz, Rabbis Shmary Gurary, Yossi Garelik, and Lazer Avtzon.

A number of attendees raised concerns over the recent wave of anti-Semitic violence that has plagued the city. Adams promised to be tough on crime and stressed his commitment to the safety and security of the city’s Jewish residents.

Adams is concluding his second term as Brooklyn Borough President. In that role, and previously as New York State Senator representing Crown Heights, Adams has had a long-standing relationship with the Crown Heights Jewish community, and many Lubavitchers have already thrown their support behind his mayoral campaign.

“Eric has a long-standing relationship with the entire Crown Heights Jewish Community,” the Adams campaign told “He is especially fond of the bond he forged with Devorah Halberstam and has worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the community over the years.”

Polling conducted in the last few days has Adams once again leading the pack of candidates, beating out his closest competitor Andrew Yang in the crowded Democratic primary race for mayor.

As reported on, the Crown Heights Beis Din joined a long list of local schools and Shuls encouraging residents to register to vote in order to be able to vote in the upcoming Democratic primaries.

Both letters urge community members to register and vote, to ensure the community has a say in the issues that will affect them over the next four years. The need is especially urgent as there are forces who are working tirelessly to undermine and hurt our Yeshivas.


We appreciate your feedback. If you have any additional information to contribute to this article, it will be added below.

  1. Where does he stand on the Yeshiva issue?
    Please include that in the article so our community can make an informed decision,
    Especially since the article mentions the urgency for us to vote specifically for that reason
    Thank you!

  2. Why no mention of second and third choice? there is Ranked voting!

    Those that want to hurt our Yeshivos are using the new Ranked voting system to consolidate their vote. Why don’t we?

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