Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour

Live at 8:30 PM: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour featuring Rabbi Nissan Zibell with ‘The Kosher Consumer’s Practical Shopper’s Guide,’ Rabbi Yosef Braun on non-Jewish help on Shabbos, and Rabbi Berel Bell on Birchos Hanehenin.

MIDF: Strengthening the Spirit of the IDF with Mitzvos

Since October 7th, MIDF (Mitzvos for the IDF) has provided soldiers on the front lines with spiritual strength to match their physical courage. Now, with Purim approaching, a campaign is being launched to provide Mishloach Manos for the soldiers, bringing them joy, strength, and a tangible connection to their Yiddishkeit.

Israel’s Chief Rabbi Amazed by Chabad in Russia

For three days, Israel’s Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi Kalman Meir Bar toured the Chabad mosdos in Moscow, including the Marina Roshcha Center, Cheder Menachem, Bnos Menachem, and the Mesivta. The chief rabbi met with various rabbonim and activists, and was the guest of honor at the Siyum Horambam.

War Day 514: Renewed Fighting Likely by Purim, Druze in Syria Raise Israeli Flag

War Summary, Day 514: Israel threatens to cut supplies in Gaza if hostages aren’t returned, deadline for new deal or war may be Purim, terrorists eliminated after approaching IDF positions in Gaza, unusual terror attack in Haifa, more IDF action in Syria, Druze in Syria raise Israeli flag, IDF reveals that the brush on the Lebanese side of the border has been cleared, and representatives of Bibas family file lawsuit against Al Jazeera.

Diverse Speakers Animate London Siyum Horambam

Over 100 people gathered last motzei shabbos at the Heichal Menachem Anash shul in Golders Green to celebrate the 44th siyum in the daily study of Rambam, featuring insightful talks by Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Rabbi Chaim Rappaport, Rabbi Yosef Weinberg, and historian Rabbi Aubery Hersh.

South African Rabbi Inspires at Manchester Siyum

Anash in Manchester gathered for a powerful Siyum Harambam featuring local rabbonim, Rabbi Levi Cohen, Rabbi Leizer Eidelman, Rabbi Daniel Walker, and Rabbi Sender Liberow. Guest speaker Rabbi Mendel Liberow of Johannesburg, South Africa, inspired the crowd.

Bigdei Kehunah: A Means or an End? Feature: This week’s Iyun Podcast by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, director of the Tzfunot Institute, discusses the Rebbe, the Rogatchover and R’ Yosef Engel on the definition and purpose of the Bigdei Kehunah, and its ramifications in the situation of a Kohen missing a beged while in the Heichal.

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