The doors of Brooklyn’s Bedford Armory swung open, and thousands of Jewish teens from 60 countries poured in—launching the CTeen International Shabbaton. Teens reconnected with old friends, made new ones, and filled the hall with spontaneous dancing, chanting, and singing in dozens of languages.
The Future of the Entertainment Industry
On any given night, thousands pack into stadiums, eyes fixed on the field, caught in the thrill of the game. But what if those same stadiums—built for sports and spectacle—became arenas for something greater? Discover the future of the entertainment industry in this episode of Classic Take with Rabbi Sholom Zirkind.
Crowds Arrive at the Ohel for ‘Shabbos Anash’
Anash from cities across the US and Canada have started arriving at the Ohel for the monumental ‘Shabbos Anash’ uniting Anash everywhere. The morning began with Chassidus, shachris, and hachana to enter the Ohel. After entering the Ohel, a brunch coupled as a mini farbrengen and Siyum Harambam.
770 Coffee Corner Undergoes Comprehensive Remodeling
The coffee corner in the foyer of 770 is currently undergoing renovations to improve and expand the space to serve the many guests. The Rebbe gave much significance to adequate refreshments for all the visitors who come to 770 to daven and learn.
Purim on Friday? Let Achdus Basket Handle It!
With Purim falling out on Erev Shabbos, there’s even more to do in less time. Cooking for Shabbos, preparing the Purim Seudah, and hearing the Megillah leaves little room for running around town delivering Shalach Manos. That’s where Achdus Basket comes in!
4K Youth Traverse the Globe for Largest Gathering of Jewish Teens
From Hong Kong to Cancun, airports in hundreds of cities worldwide are buzzing this week with the energy of 4,000 teens, proudly showcasing their Jewish identity as they journey to New York City for this weekend’s CTeen Shabbaton.
Being an Example Is Not Your Choice!
When Yaakov Hanoka, one of the first Lubavitch Balei Teshuva in the US, was going to spend a Shabbos with friends at Penn University, he told the Rebbe that he didn’t feel worthy to serve as an example. The Rebbe’s answer didn’t leave him with much choice.
‘Bo Bayom’ Siyum Horambam Held in 770
Following the Rebbe’s instruction to hold a siyum on the day of concluding the Rambam, a Siyum Horambam was held in 770 addressed by Rabbi Yosef Braun. Another siyum was held by participants in the daily shiur in Kolel Tiferes Zkeinim Levi Yitzchok.
Young Shluchos Enjoy Exhilarating Grand Trip
After an incredible Friday and Shabbos full of fun and inspiration, Young Shluchos at the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos were excited for their grand trip where they had the best time enjoying skating, arcades, rock climbing and more.
Chabad Girls High School of Baltimore Welcomes New Principal
Chabad Girls High School (CGHS) of Baltimore is thrilled to announce the hiring of Mrs. Miri Levin to head its faculty. Mrs. Levin brings over 13 years of experience, and is deeply passionate about empowering, educating, and inspiring today’s generation through warmth and connection.
New AI Tool Will Help You Watch Rebbe Videos
A new groundbreaking AI-powered tool will transform how users access and explore JEM’s vast archive of Rebbe videos. Unlike a traditional search engine, this intelligent guide will provide curated results that include concise AI-generated summaries alongside direct links to the Rebbe’s original words.
The Heart Behind The Insider Auction
Perhaps once or twice in a lifetime, an opportunity arises that is simply too extraordinary to miss. The Insider Auction is more than an event—it’s a gateway to something greater, an experience that blends opulence, impact, and purpose.
CTeen Summit to Headline Young Leaders Who Stood Up
Teen empowerment has always been at the heart of CTeen’s mission. As the largest network of Jewish teens worldwide, CTeen is inspired by the Rebbe’s teaching that young people possess untapped energy, resilience, and a strong willingness to face challenges head-on.
Young Shluchos Find Meaning in Writing to the Rebbe
Young Shluchos joining the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos of the Shluchim Office gathered together for an inspirational visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel. A beautiful video presentation was shown showcasing Young Shluchos all around the world taking on Hachlotos as a gift to the Rebbe
The Doctor Discovered She Had a “Very Healthy Kind of Illness”
After wondrously recovering from an ailment, Yisrael Granot, head of security at the Israeli Consulate in New York, wished to see the Rebbe. Though they didn’t ask, the Rebbe bentched him and his wife with a “larger family,” which miraculously materialized soon after.
How to Get to the Siyum HaRambam
With excitement building for Sunday’s Siyum HaRambam at the Bedford Union Armory, many are wondering how they’ll get there. To ensure that everyone can participate, organizers have arranged free transportation for the entire Crown Heights, East Flatbush, and Remsen Village communities.
Staff Head Out to 110 Locations to Lead ‘Shabbos Tzuzamen’
The Shabbos that young shluchim have been waiting for is finally here. This week for boys, and next week for girls, simultaneous Shabbatons will be held around the globe, hosted by local Shluchim, with resources provided by MyShliach at Merkos 302.
War Day 509: Bibas Family Brought to Burial, Hundreds of Murderers Released
War Summary, Day 509: Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir brought to burial, four hostages bodies returned, Hamas interested in extending phase one, hundreds of murderous terrorists released including bomb engineers, murderers released to Jerusalem, another failed rocket launch from Gaza, and targeted elimination in Lebanon.
Melbourne Kickstarts Siyum Harambam and Adar Dancing
Right after Mairiv in Melbourne, Australia, bochrim of Yeshiva Gedolah celebrated the first Siyum Harambam followed by joyous dancing for Chodesh Adar, paving the way for the rest of the world.
Surprising Discovery Made in Lubavitch at Remarkable Time
For years, the missing fences from the Rebbeim’s kevarim, which had been erected with mesiras nefesh by R’ Abba Dovid Gurevitch, were a mystery. Suddenly, soon after R’ Abba Dovid’s passing, the fences showed up – under the foundations of the Ohel.