Buying from Yidden When Prices are Higher? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including the obligation to buy from Yidden, sleeping with feet towards the door, music and business for an avel, and tachanun on Gimmel Tammuz.

The following issues are discussed by Rabbi Raskin in this week’s episode:

  1. We are told that we should patronize the businesses of fellow Yidden. Are there guidelines to delineate how far this extends? [1]
  2. There is a popular minhag, to avoid positioning a bed with the foot-end facing the door. What can be done when seems to be the most practical position? [2]
  3. May we have music playing in the presence of an Oveil ר”ל?[3]
  4. In the week of Shiva, the Oveil ר”ל may not do business. Is there a procedure by which the business is ‘sold’ to someone else, and may thus continue to function?[4]
  5. It is customary for a father not to bestow the honor of Sandek on the same man. Is the Zeide an exception to this rule?[5]
  6. Is there any clarity re. saying Tachanun on Gimmel Tammuz?[6]
  7. An archway just before a doorway with a door – is there a minimum distance between the two before requiring another Mezuzah for the archway?[7]
  8. A frail person needs a carer but refuses to recognize the need to pay someone. May the family employ someone for pay, but to [untruthfully] reassure the patient that the care is being provided on a voluntary basis?[8]
  9. On the 7th day of Sheva Brochos, the meal began before sunset but by the time we reached bentsching it was after sunset. Are the Sheva Brochos recited?[9]
  10. Last week, the time for Motzei Shabbos in Manchester according to was some 6 minutes later than the locally advertised time. Is this a special chumra of Lubavitch, or may I rely to end Shabbos at the locally advertised time? [10]

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  1. [1] ראה רש”י ויקרא כה, יד; אהבת חסד ח”א פ”ה ס”ז; מאמר הרב ג. אוברלנדר נ”י בקובץ ‘המדריך להוראה’ גליון ד (שיכון סקווירא, תש”פ).
  2. [2] ראה ט. מנהג הנחת רגלי המת כנגד הדלת מובא בדרכי חסד סי’ ה ס”ג (ע’ לב).
  3. [3] ראה נטעי גבריאל – אבילות ח”ב פל”ג ס”ח, וש”נ.
  4. [4] שו”ע יו”ד סי’ שפ ס”כ; נטעי גבריאל – אבילות ח”א פכ”ב ס”ב.
  5. [5] ראה שו”ע אדה”ז הלכות ריבית סעיף מז.
  6. [6] ראה רשימת היומן מיום ט’ כסלו תרצ”ג (ע’ רצ).
  7. [7] רמ”א יו”ד סי’ רסה סי”א; שו”ת חתם סופר או”ח סי’ קנח.
  8. [8] ראה ס’ ניב שפתים סוף כלל ג (ע’ סב בהערה טור ב).
  9. [9] ראה שערי תשובה או”ח סו”ס קפח.
  10. [10] מהלך הרי”מ טוקצינסקי לקבוע מוצ”ש בשיעור 8.5 מעלות מתחת לאופק. במנצ’סטר – אולי רק בשיא הקיץ – מחשבים ב8 מעלות.


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