Bochurim Plan World’s Largest Mitzvah Tank Parade

Bochurim gathered in 770 on Sunday to begin planning the historic parade of 120 mitzvah tanks that will be taking place this Yud Alef Nissan, the Rebbe’s 120th birthday.

Bochurim gathered in 770 on Sunday night to begin planning the historic parade of 120 mitzvah tanks that will be taking place this Yud Alef Nissan, the Rebbe‘s 120th birthday.

In what is sure to create a media firestorm, as well as bring wide awareness to the Rebbe’s birthday and Pesach, no less than 120 Mivtzah Tanks will conquer the streets of New York City this Yud Alef Nissan.

Besides for the sheer number of Mitzvah Tanks, the parade will also be completely revamped, with a completely new design, screen trucks, and many many more brand new ideas including ways to interact with as many people as possible.

The Sunday night meeting was held to encourage all 770 bochurim to get involved and help arrange the parade in the coming weeks, as well as to sign up to drive a tank during the actual parade.

At the start of the meeting, a special video presentation was screened, a sneak peak of a forthcoming video about Mitzvah Tanks throughout the years.

The bochurim then heard from 770 mashpia Rabbi Shmuli Avtzon, who tied in the Mitzvah Tank Parade with the current global events, saying that “the mitzvah tanks need to conquer the tanks in Ukraine” and that we need to make sure the entire world knows about “a small shtetel in Ukraine,” referring to the Rebbe’s birth town.

Also speaking were bochurim Menachem Cunin, Mendel Pikarski and Chaim Pikarski, who discussed various practical details, encouraging each participant to join one of the many departments to help make the parade a historic success.

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